Customs Duties

Questions and answers about Customs Duties

  • Liquidation Notices and Supplemental Duty Bills

    QUESTION: As CBP no longer issues paper Liquidation Notices and Supplemental Duty Bills, how does an importer without an ACE account receive Supplemental Duty Bills? Supposedly, CBP provides a web site where this information can be searched, without an ACE account, by entry number or importer number. Can anyone provide that website? Thank you. ========== […]


    QUESTION: For a shipment that arrives in LA/LB and then is moved on an I.T. to Atlanta, is the duty rate based on the date of arrival in LA/LB or on the date that entry is filed (arrival) in Atlanta. Where is this answer found in the regulations? ******************* Answers: I believe duties are based […]


    QUESTION: Does the community know if Customs has a threshold for issuing a duty refund? For instance, if we are owed a refund of $14, will Customs issue a refund or is there a specific dollar amount required before they will do so? ========== Answers: Yes, there is a de mimimis of $20. CBP will […]


    QUESTION: 301 duties- will these additional duties  be able to be refunded through the drawback process? ========== Answers: No, 232 and 301 additional duties are not eligible for drawback. ========== No =========  


    QUESTION: I am tasked with providing accurate duty rates for apparel to our sourcing team then classifying the goods closer to ensure accuracy for customs.I’m curious to know what best practices other importers are using to provide true rates to sourcing, or how you use to streamline/automate this process.Line-by-line on Excel is too time consuming. […]


    Question: I am new to this function, so bear with me on a basic question. Are duties computed by country of production or country of origin as stated on the bill of lading? Or are both used in the calculation? *********** Answers: It may be………….depends on the country importing from.     Look at your HTSUSA,    there […]

  • Customs Duties Q&A 1

    Does anyone know of the % difference in country taxes or VAT on product shipped from EU country (UK) to others in Europe, versus shipping from the U.S. (All are foreign made goods)

  • Customs Duties Q&A 2

    We are sending a piece of equipment from Illinois to England to be converted for use in France. This will be only a temporary import to England. A third US Company will handle the shipment to Paris. Can this be done so that the English company does not have to pay duties or taxes or […]

  • Customs Duties Q&A 3

    I have a client that is bringing in material for a project beginning in February. The material consists of various pieces of granite and marble that have already been “fabricated to fit”. The project is a museum named after a former President and being constructed in the city which is his birthplace. Applicable duty rates […]

  • Customs Duties Q&A 5

    I have a Customs question. We have the ability to e-mail “license files” that when installed in an intrument enables a “software” option in the firmware of the instrument. If these options were enabled at time of original shipment and a transaction value was listed, it would be dutiable when imported to many countries. We […]

  • Customs Duties Q&A 6

    My customer procures merchandise for both US and Canada , and currently is imported into a US port in one container. Some of the merchandise in the container will ultimately be sold/shipped to Canada. What is the best solution for customs clearance to avoid paying duties 2x, once in the U.S. and again in Canada?