• Deemed export

      Question:   We have engineers – Japanese citizens –  working in the USA to develop technology and equipment that may result in U.S. patent applications.  The technology and equipment is under the EAR,  not for military use, and my best understanding is that there is no license required.   If the development results in patented […]


    Question: Can anyone advise the recordkeeping requirements for a deemed export?  Iunderstand the requirements for an item controlled by a license. Am moreinterested in a non-controlled EAR99 or something under a license exception. Are exporters required to keep records of e-mails, drawing transfers,downloads of source code, etc. for any deemed export which is not acontrolled […]


    Question:My company currently manufactures controlled product in the UK and had to obtain a license to release the controlled technology to personnel from our UK facility.  I am trying to put a process in place for the UK that would limit access to the controlled technical data to non UK personnel and visitors to our […]


    Question: A student is looking to gain a 6 month co-op at our company.  Thisstudent is here in the US on a student VISA and is a citizen of China.Currently, all our parts are classified as EAR99.  In the past we didproduce some parts that fell in category 3 and 5 on the EAR, which […]


    We would like to know how other companies screen visitors for the purpose of controlling deemed exports? Is proof of citizenship required? or are visitors simply asked to please indicate their country of citizenship without demonstrating proof?    

  • Deemed Export Q&A 1

    How do you limit access to your foreign nationals (say in China) to controlled technology information that may be available on the internal company web site?

  • Deemed Export Q&A 2

    We are interested giving access to portions of our ERP system to a Foreign National Employee. I am suppose to review what we can and cannot release incase it would be controlled for export. Besides general government export controls on controlled technology the other thing I thought of is any of our defense contracts and […]

  • Deemed Export Q&A 4

    How have others identified the foreign nationals affected by the deemed export rule, within their organization, while avoiding the appearance of discrimination? For example, have any of you sent a blanket email to all employees within your organization asking for their country of last citizenship? I could really use some feedback on this. Thanks

  • Deemed Export Q&A 5

    We are beginning to review our risks and develop policies and procedures related to deemed exports and technology transfers. Does anyone have checklists or other helpful tools that would help us think about the issues to address, e.g. HR questionnaires for foreign national employees, Engineering or production questionnaires to help compliance get a handle on […]

  • Deemed Export Q&A 6

    There was an article in the Washington times on Chinese students and espionage. While the article was a bit conspiracy theory, we all know why having a deemed export policy and program in place for foreign nationals is important. It is understood that companies should be screening for foreign nationals (candidates for hire and visitors), […]

  • Deemed Export Q&A 7

    Question: How and when does your corporation identify foreign national employees for deemed export concerns? We are trying to work on our deemed export compliance and are experiencing some pushback from our HR department on what we can ask, etc.