
Questions and answers about  Drawback

  • Duty Drawback Webinar – Training

    Question: HI There Can anyone recommend a US duty drawback training or webinar that I have use to dust off my knowledge in US drawback? Thanks everyone Asked by: Jonathan Torres – tor1026.jos14@gmail.com Answer 1: Expeditors has a free webinar coming up. https://expeditors.zoom.us/webinar/register/3516902938967/WN_9hhd7w_XTVeY7fYhVgtQDg?utm_campaign=2023%20Customer%20Event&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=267919285&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_3YUirt-cPbg2q_AltZPwX-3VagsHo950_mw1MFakDIoHQkopzEfHhUxu6_Ni146ixR0HLb3ZhYwu_kJ3wzDXRItZtyas5iXt4nutEUKswNpmKYw0&utm_content=267919285&utm_source=hs_email#/registration   Answer 2: Expeditors does a good one- their next session is […]

  • Duty Drawback – Returns

    Question: We import parts that are assembled and sold as sets.  On the sets we export, we plan to claim duty drawback. My questions is, at times, one item from the exported set is either incorrect, or defective and returned back to us.  The value is low, always under $2500., so informal entry.  The returns […]

  • Duty Drawback & Routed Exports

    Question: We have seen some comments indicating that companies avoid allowing Routed Transactions when they want to process Duty Drawback.  Is there a regulation that prevents the USPPI from filing Drawback on a Routed Transaction? It seems like the USPPI remains the Exporter (is this term defined?) and the Shipper.  They are just not the […]

  • Drawback

    Question: It is fair to say that if I file a drawback, I basically imported a product where I paid duty, then sold/exported to foreign buyer, thus I can claim a refund of duties paid provided I show proof of export.  However, I came across an unusual event.  A USA company purchased Chinese product, paid […]

  • Liquidated Drawback

    Question: We are an importer and filed a duty drawback claim, CBP form 7553 self-filer.  After about a year, we were notified of a full desk review, which we completed in detail and provided all of the required documentation.  For some reason, our claim was denied, with no explanation.  Someone at CBP told me we […]

  • Duty Drawback Bond

    Question: We are going to be doing duty drawback and have been approved for accelerated payment.  What is best a single bond per drawback claim OR a blanket bond to cover all of our claims for the next year? Answer 1: Assuming you have a fairly large amount you are seeking, to make the program […]

  • Duty Drawback Questions from CBP

    Question: We have been doing drawback for years and have submitted many applications all approved with few if any questions so I’m very confused by the questions below. This is for simple unused, same condition, importer is the exporter, inventory tracked via their WMS by quantity and part number. Destination countries are Mexico, Canada and […]

  • Duty Drawback Desk Review

    Question: We are doing duty drawback and went through a CF28 desk review, successful results.  But we have claims from 2020 that have still not liquidated, they show as extended.  Does anyone know why claims are taking so long to liquidate and does CBP ever do a second desk review if the first one was […]

  • First Drawback

    Question: I have applied and received our Company’s first Drawback funds from CBP. My finance team is asking, how do other companies apply the funds to the import and export orders or in another way to the ledger? They want to ensure that they are keeping record correctly. Answer 1: Drawback is the refund of […]

  • Duty Drawback

    Question: Already received the application approval from CBP and now ready to file a claim, can anyone provide guidance. Is there a form that I can use when filing a duty drawback claim? Answer 1: It depends on the type of claim – look at CFR19 – 181.47 Completion of claim for drawback. Answer 2: […]

  • Unused/Subsitution Drawback – Records

    Question: I have just been hired at a company who’s main focus is duty drawback (Unused/Substituted merchandise) However, this would be my first time filing a claim. They do not have a WMS (warehouse management system) and Cannot provide confirmation of warehouse-in records,  only warehouse-out. My question is, how important is the Whs Receipt-in record? […]

  • Duty Drawback

    Question: Many of our items have the 25% China duty.  We export these items to Canada and Mexico.  We invoice the MEX/CAN buyer for the goods and issue a separate invoice for the 25% duty.  We are doing an analysis to determine the duty refund for the last four years and wondering if the 25% […]