• How transshipments impact exemption eligibility from recent 10% China tariff

    Question: Hi, We received the following guidance from our Customs brokers regarding the new 10% China tariffs. One area where we are receiving conflicting information is how transshipments impact exemption eligibility. Below is my understanding of each broker’s position: Broker 1: • Determines exemption eligibility based on the Date of Export (i.e., when the cargo […]

  • Potential Duty/Tariff increases

    Question: Theoretical question for the group – If I send US origin steel, (C/O is US for melt and pour) to Mexico, the steel is used to stamp parts, that are sent back to the US, would we be paying Mexico C/O duty/tariff if the new administration were to put tariffs on goods coming from Mexico? […]

  • Freight, Duties, Taxes and Broker Fees

    Question: Does anyone have examples of how their finance department separates actual freight costs from duties, taxes and other customs related fees? Currently, our company lumps them together as one so it’s hard to pull data that separates these charges. Answer 1: You would need to collaborate with your customs broker, FF and finance to […]

  • Duty Relief for Inoperable Valves for Customer Presentation

    Question: We order valves from China with a duty rate of 5.6% and the 25% added on (8481.80.3070). Some valves are being ordered cut so they can be used for customer presentations. This will make them inoperable. Does anyone know if there is duty relief for the cut valves or a different HTS? My initial […]

  • What Duty is Applicable?

    Question: A company is purchasing a printer that was developed and purchased from a German company, but assembled and shipped from China, is there a duty applied to that product shipped into the U.S. and if so are the duties based on country-of-origin China or Germany? Second part. If the German company purchased the same […]

  • Dutiability of a surcharge

    Question: My EU company has proposed instituting a surcharge on all international orders.  The idea is to address cost increases in the areas of packing, shipping, other supply chain costs hit by inflation, etc. It won’t be assessed on each item.  Rather, it would be a percentage total of the final invoice value for all […]

  • US Imports from Vietnam

    Question: Am I correct in assuming that the column 1 duty rates apply to imports to the US from Vietnam, (COO Vietnam), and, that section 301 may also be applicable? Answer 1: Yes Column 1 duty rates apply, Section 301 would not unless goods are actually manufactured in China. Answer 2: Currently, the countries with […]

  • Manufacturing Duty

    Question: Company is paying an annual Manufacturing fee to supplier making parts. Only a certain % of these items will be imported into the US. No way of knowing as of now how many. Question: How is this additional cost added into the product and time frame in which to add & claim Answer 1: […]

  • Preferential origin UK/EU TCA

    Question: Hi, during all the Brexit information sessions it was clearly stated by HMRC that EU origin goods would be treated as UK origin if returning to the EU. Our company has materials imported (and wholly manufactured / raw materialled in Belgium) which have been tested, and have forwarded to the Netherlands for further tests. […]

  • Duty rate effective date

    QUESTION: Can somebody confirm which day is the duty rate effective date when you get a shipment released before the port arrival? ========= Addl Answers: The effective date for duties is the date the goods left the territory of the exporting country destined for the U.S. Arrival date in the U.S. and release date are […]

  • Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum

    QUESTION: From Mar 23 – Apr 30, a number of countries are excepted from the section 232 duties on aluminum and steel, but beginning May 1, it looks like all these exceptions go away.  Is this correct?  Are we missing something?  Seems strange to have such a short window of time for these country exceptions. […]


    Question: I am new to this function, so bear with me on a basic question. Are duties computed by country of production or country of origin as stated on the bill of lading? Or are both used in the calculation? *********** Answers: It may be………….depends on the country importing from.     Look at your HTSUSA,    there […]