Questions and answers about ECCN

  • Export classification

    Question: what classification may a machine that  is used for testing of hermetically sealed microelectronic and optoelectronic devices. Answer 1: If you cannot find an HTS for this machine then it would have to be classified as 8479.90.9596 Answer 2: Lots of possibilities here depending largely on the specific type of machine, and whether is […]

  • Question on correct ECCN for 5-Port 10/100/1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Unmanaged Switch

    Question: I am looking for advice on the correct export classification for a 5-Port 10/100/1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Unmanaged Switch.  During research I have seen this classified as both EAR99 and 5A991.  I suspect 5A991 is correct, however, given the inconsistency of available details, I would value expert opinion on this, if available.  We have also […]

  • 3A991

    Question: Does anybody deal with  automotive electronics in their expertise? ? Mostly ATV, motorcycle 12 V stuff.  I am questioning whether CDI boxes ( capacitor Discharge Ignitions ) would fall under 3A991.  Currently it’s under EAR99 because I don’t believe  these particular items were originally designed for Military use.  But the more I read, it […]

  • ECCN classification of a system that incorporates a dual-use item

    Question: What are the rules around classifying a larger system / assembly of components that incorporate one controlled component (e.g. a pump) and the rest of the components are EAR99? Answer 1: You mention EAR99 so I assume you are classifying under the EAR; the rule is you CLASSIFY THE END ITEM.  The classification of […]

  • Expired ECCN on an existing license

    QUESTION: We have a Commerce Department license issued in 2020 for an ECCN whose subcategory was recently removed – changed to “Reserved” in the CCL – but our license doesn’t expire until 2024.  Is our license still valid?  When will happen when the EEI is filed with the ECCN and the license number?  %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: Typically […]

  • ECCN Determination

    QUESTION: Who is typically responsible for determination of the ECCN, the U.S. Exporter (USPPI) or the Supplier/Manufacturer who sells domestically to the USPPI? %%%%%%%%% We have always had the manufacturer of the item provide the jurisdiction and classification of the item. If the manufacturer is unable to provide the determination, then the exporter of the […]


    QUESTION: What documents should an ECCN classification be listed on for an export entry packet? =========== Answers: The commercial invoice and the Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (SLI) ============ There is no “entry packet” because the ECCN  is used for exports, and entries are what we do for imports.  The ECCN goes on the SLI for […]

  • ECCN number for PCB evaluation board ( printed circuit assembly)

    QUESTION: Does ECCN apply to PCB evaluation board ( without software) designed to change the channels of optical transceivers ? I went through category 5 : ECCN for optical transceivers is 5A991 ( sold separately) Couldn’t determine / find anything related to the basic printed circuit assembly evaluation board to be used for programming ( […]


    QUESTION: Can the membership comment on what the ECCN may be for an internet protocol camera available on line for $75.00? ************* Answers: Provided that it doesn’t have thermal attached to it (which by the amount of the camera) it should be EAR99. Our IP cameras except for the thermal list as EAR99 ************ This […]

  • More than a single ECCN subparagraph apply

    QUESTION: A recent classification process ultimately found more than one ECCN and subparagraph match our product: XXXXX.b.6.c.1.b and XXXXX.b.6.c.1.e.  Same top-level ECCN, just different subparagraphs.  I’d always assumed that one would drill down to a single subparagraph. Does one use the first subparagraph as that might be conceived as a higher level of control? Is there a […]


    QUESTION:It is a common practice in laser manufacture to increase the frequency of a laser by lowering the wavelength using harmonic generation.  (Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional.)  1064 nanometers (nm) is the fundamental output of a laser.  Applying a second harmonic generator shortens the wavelength to 532 nm, thereby doubling the frequency.  Note this is […]

  • Best Practices to review ECCN’s/MEU’s

    QUESTION: What are some of the best practices is the group using to review ECCNs subject to MEU for China, Russia, and Venezuela? Is anyone using 3rd party reports to identify red flags for end users in these countries? =========== Answers: Yes, we have a form that we use to provide guidance on what we […]