Export Compliance

Questions and answers about Export Compliance

  • Mexico Drop Shipments for Sales from Subsidary

    Question: My company “A” is trying to establish a direct shipment to our subsidiary company in Mexico “B” and their customers. It has been proposed that we use EXW but I am not entirely versed in which INCO terms are better than others.  I have heard that it is IMPOSSIBLE to use EXW and that […]

  • Is retailer liable for due diligence if customer exports the product?

    Question: We are a US retail company with an export compliance process in which we perform denied party screening, classification, and other export compliance functions once a customer declares their intent to export the product after purchase in case we are viewed as the USPPI.   We also waive the sales tax as part of this […]

  • Drop Shipment shipping documentation

    Question: Drop Shipment question under the following scenario: Incoterm: EXW Factory A) US exporter of record / Seller B) Sold to party in Amsterdam C) Importer of record in Italy (customer of B) B has sold to C at a higher price than A sold to B. I understand that A is the US exporter […]

  • de minimis calculation

    Question: I am working with a company that is interested in exporting its export-controlled design and production technology (entire manufacturing program) for ECCN 6A003 cameras to Japan.  The ECCN 6E001 and 6E002 technical date/technology for the design and production of the 6A003 camera does not require a license for export to Japan, however for many […]

  • Upper Management Buy in

    Question: So wondering how Members handle Compliance Risk and communicating the importance. I just recently (about a year) started a new company lower level position (not Management). Very heavy into Exports and a pretty good amount of Imports. I have many years of experience on the import/export side (20years) Import Heavy, some on the export […]

  • FCC Compliance

    Question: Hi all, New member with what I hope isn’t a stupid question. I’m looking to ship an FDA-cleared device into the US that has yet to achieve FCC certification. We are currently waiting on the results of a waiver request. Is this possible? If so, I’d appreciate it if someone could help with guidance […]

  • Egypt Customs Invoice Item Description

    Question: We are a US based company with a factory in China.  We have a distributor in Egypt who is purchasing OEM equipment from our factory.  The China factory is the shipper, the US based company is the seller. The distributor will be the importer into Egypt. We are selling electronic components that are classifiable […]

  • HTS / ECCN on the commercial invoice

    Question: Is there a regulation that states the ECCN / HTS must be on the customs invoice or export documentation? A general disagreement continues at my organization.  The information is required in the AES filing.  Regulations say we have to notify our customer if an item is controlled (EAR/ITAR); however, I cannot find that the […]

  • Exporting material to a foreign defense item manufacturer

    Question: The company I work for does not have a compliance department or manual to reference. In my role, I confirm the international orders from our sales team, consisting of US and foreign nationals who are based in the US and internationally. I process and prepare the orders, arrange shipping which may include filing ACE/EEI […]

  • Export Commercial Invoice

    Question: We are working on updating our Customs Invoice/commercial invoice for export (including border Crossing) and would like to get some feedback on the Harmonized code to include on the invoice. We are discussing in adding the 6 digit level or the 10 digit level from our database. Looking for a regulation and business best […]

  • Routed Exports & Process for SLI, EEI, documents

    Question: Recently joined a company where a sub-set of our international team handling certain product lines were under the impression  they had zero responsibility for exports in any EXW or FCA “buyer pickup” transactions.  This lack of understanding also means they did not communicate – ever – with their foreign customer’s U.S. freight forwarder or […]

  • Software Installation – EAR99

    Question: Our company needs to install/deploy a software (EAR99) for a customer that is located in Ecuador, but  our Cloud provider do not have any server in Ecuador. As an option we can use Brazil or Mexico servers. Understanding that those two countries are not restricted and the software is not controlled, I think we […]