
Questions and answers about Export

  • Routed Export Transaction

    QUESTION: Company “A” is buying from Company “B” – Company “A” is exporting the goods to Company “C” overseas – In my experience Company “A” is the Exporter – Correct or incorrect? ========== Answers: If Company A and Company B are based in the same country and that sale is a domestic transaction, then it […]


    QUESTION: 15 CFR 30.6(a)(2) says the date of export is “date when goods are scheduled to leave the port of export on the exporting carrier that is taking the goods out of the United States.”  When a carrier rolls that date, is the filer obligated to amend the EEI with the revised date? More specifically, […]

  • FPPI in a Triangulated Shipment

    QUESTION: My company currently conducts “triangulated-shipments” in conjunction with our foreign affiliates. Example: Colombia affiliate orders products from my USA company. Products are shipped directly to the end customer in Ecuador. We provide our Colombia affiliate an inter-company invoice; they pay us. Colombia affiliate in turn provides Ecuador customer a separate commercial invoice for customs […]

  • Commercial Invoice Numbering Schemes

    QUESTION: We are looking to adapt an in house automated commercial invoicing system that will assign sequential commercial invoice numbers for each shipment/export made.  Are there “unique country exporting to” requirements behind the assigned commercial invoice numbers that anybody is aware? Example:  If you ship to a country throughout the year, the shipments to that […]


    QUESTION: We have a routed export agreement where our customer (FPPI) assumes export responsibilities and names a US Freight Forwarder to conduct export.The agreement we have on file is signed by our customer (FPPI) and the listed US Freight Forwarder.As the USPPI, we are responsible to provide data elements to the US Forwarder which include […]


    QUESTION: A new regulations in Ghana requires the shipper/forwarder/exporter at port of origin to provide a Cargo Tracking Note (CTN#) which is an official loading certificate number that confirms detailed information about cargo and its movement between ports.  The process to obtain a CTN is outlined on the website:  https://www.ctnghana.com/faqs/#14321 The issue is that one […]


    QUESTION: I need help on interpreting requirements for exports to MX from Laredo, TX. The path of the goods is as follows: EU > moved to US and transferred in-bond to Laredo, TX > export to MX. As the goods are never cleared and entered into the U.S.A. commerce, and are then exported to Mexico […]


    QUESTION: Does anyone have a POA template for export/Freight Forwarding only without Customs clearance/brokerage clause? It should include AES/EEI and related export filing language. ========== Answer: There is a very basic one in FTR –  Appendix A to Part 30 ==========  


    QUESTION: We need to return a container of lumber from VN to the US because it didn’t meet the customer’s specifications. The lumber is currently unloaded at the VN customer’s warehouse.  Once it is returned to the US, we want to immediately export it to another country (VN regulations won’t allow it to ship directly […]

  • Are U.S. Export Controls shared between U.S.- Canada Subsidiary

    QUESTION: This hypothetical question is in regards to our foreign Canadian subsidiary. We are the parent company located in the U.S. and understand the Canadian company now must follow US Regulations as well as Canada Regulations If the Canadian Company is exporting an item of  (not necessarily of U.S. origin )  that is identified on […]

  • Export to China

    QUESTION: I have a product produced in Canada but we want to store it in the US. If we decide to export the product from the US tank to China, is it still subjective to the 25% retaliatory tariff from China? ========== Answers: No, if it is still a Canadian product, i.e. it was not […]


    QUESTION: I would like to ask membership if we can ship this into China without being able to obtain a CCC certificate from the manufacture. We have a XYZ monitor with a CCC marking on it We asked XYZ manufacturer for their CCC certificate, but XYZ manufacture said that their regulatory compliance department was axed […]