
Questions and answers about Export


    QUESTION: We have a routed export agreement where our customer (FPPI) assumes export responsibilities and names a US Freight Forwarder to conduct export.The agreement we have on file is signed by our customer (FPPI) and the listed US Freight Forwarder.As the USPPI, we are responsible to provide data elements to the US Forwarder which include […]


    QUESTION: FTR Title 15 Part 30.29(a) states: “The return of goods not licensed by a US Government agency and not subject to the ITAR, temporarily imported for repair and alteration, and declared as such on importation shall have Schedule B number 9801.10.0000.  The value shall only include parts and labor.  The value of the original […]

  • Routed transaction scenario

    QUESTION: We received a PO where the domestic customer (USA billing address) is asking us to ship the product in question to a freight forwarder in Laredo (FCA Laredo). The freight forwarder is then going to export to the customer’s subsidiary in Mexico. I don’t know whether to treat this as a domestic transaction, or […]


    QUESTION: We received a PO where the domestic customer (USA billing address) is asking us to ship the product in question to a freight forwarder in Laredo (FCA Laredo). The freight forwarder is then going to export to the customer’s subsidiary in Mexico. I don’t know whether to treat this as a domestic transaction, or […]

  • Form Letter for Routed Export Transactions

    QUESTION: I am looking to see if anyone has a blanket acknowledgment form template to send to our customer’s which states their designated U.S. agent will responsible for AES filing and licensing determination? ================= ANSWER: We use a form called “Routed Export Certificate Transaction” which is for the FPPI to acknowledge the U.S. regulations and […]

  • Export Value

    QUESTION: Can we report zero dollars for export value on commercial invoice? Sales wants to provide free of charge for the product shipped.  Product will be used overseas for testing and coming back to US. Given item will be exported and shipped back, can the HTS# be 9801.10.0000? ========== Answers: No, everything has a value […]

  • Form Letter for Routed Export Transactions

    QUESTION: I am looking to see if anyone has a blanket acknowledgment form template to send to our customer’s which states their designated U.S. agent will responsible for AES filing and licensing determination? ======================= ANSWERS: We obtain the below statement on our client’s letterhead that states the following  for we send many shipment through the […]


    QUESTION: Do companies still keep physical records of export documents or is it sufficient to keep electronic copies of export documentation for EAR regulated items? Is there a regulation that requires to keep physical copies of document for exports? ************* Answers: Regulations?  There is an import regulation stating you must make the documents available within […]

  • Dangerous Goods shipments to China – trouble clearing Chinese customs

    QUESTION: We sell and export DG items all over the world.  Some of our items fall under reference standards HS Code 3822.00.6000.  We have been having an extremely difficult time getting these into China.  No one has been able to provide a reason why. Do other exporters ship products considered to be DG into China […]

  • Tracking Export Compliance

    QUESTION: I am putting together a matrix to track export compliance,  does anyone in the membership do this.  If yes could I get you to share your process or matrix?  Thank you for your input. ========== Answer: Having a matrix for controlled items is a good practice. I set one up for my company with […]

  • US imports into MX via Laredo/Nuevo Laredo

    QUESTION: I had a call with a US FF and MX customs broker and was advised that for every shipment they receive from us at their Laredo location they must open each box, take a picture, check the item against the invoice and check the label so all information matches (description, PN and actual part).  […]


    QUESTION: We (US Exporter) would export US product to an EU affiliate company B, who would sell and ship to their EU customer company C, who would incorporate our items into their products to be sold and shipped to their customer in Syria. Our product is EAR99 and can be sold without a license to […]