
Questions and answers about Export


      Question:       I have a unique situation and I would like some expert opinions and comment   on. Here is the scenario:       ·We, in the USA are buying a product from our parent company in Korea.       Parent company manufactures the good.       .We are […]


      Question:       In a routed transaction, if the USPPI provides to the FPPI’s designated US   Agent the data elements as required to file the AES should the USPPI be   required to fill out an SLI for the forwarder?  The forwarders always seem to   think they need the SLI filled […]


      Question:   Are any members aware of how a company can request export data for a given period of time?  I know there is a CD we can request for a fee but is there a reporting system that is similar to ACE to gather export data by EIN that members are aware of? […]


      Question:   We have multiple factories in the US.  We want to deploy an online web page that the factories can fill out prior to exporting.   If someone in the membership has a pre-shipping check sheet and a procedure that I can use as I reference I would greatly appreciate the help.   […]

  • END USER Addt’l answers

      Question:   At my new job I am having a debate with our internal attorneys over whether the end user must be identified for our sales to a foreign distributor.  The foreign distributor buys from us in order to resell to its own customer, which is the end user.  We know that the end […]

  • END USER Addt’l answers

      Question:   At my new job I am having a debate with our internal attorneys over whether the end user must be identified for our sales to a foreign distributor.  The foreign distributor buys from us in order to resell to its own customer, which is the end user.  We know that the end […]


    Question: With regards to the Destination Control Statement (DCS), which “must be entered on the invoice and on the bill of lading…export control document that accompanies the shipment from its point of origin in the United States to the ultimate consignee and end-user abroad” ; We provide DCS on PDF/paper invoices. However, some customers receive […]


    Question: I am looking for an English version of the Taiwan export control laws/regs. Specifically, I am looking for the penalty provisions showing how penalties are determined and the penalty amounts that can be assessed. ****************

  • EXPORT INVOICES Addt’l answers

    Question: We are currently working on being able to show our systems on a commercial invoice in what would be considered a configured material or parent/child configuration.  The current discussion is how to show additional items such as spare parts.    Spare parts in this case are defined as any item which may be included […]


    Question: We are currently working on being able to show our systems on a commercial invoice in what would be considered a configured material or parent/child configuration.  The current discussion is how to show additional items such as spare parts.    Spare parts in this case are defined as any item which may be included […]