
Questions and answers about Export

  • Export Points of Contact BIS

        Question:   I while ago I found a list of companies and their export Points of Contact on the BIS website – I know cannot find that document and could really use it.  I have searched BIS to no avail – does anyone have the document or a link where it is that […]

  • BIS 711, end use declaration

      Question:   For Commerce controlled products, how long does the trade community renew their end use declarations/BIS-711?  Who is the responsible party to sign these declarations – purchaser (sold to), distributor (ship to) or the actual end user who may not be your customer?  Just trying to do a little information survey.  

  • ENC

      Question:   Would anyone be willing to share their knowledge & expertise on ENC?   I have a Secure Services Gateway (5A002 Restricted) that I would like to export to the UAE.   I am not the OEM; and, the end-user appears to have some form of foreign government ownership (i.e., approx. 60% of […]


      Question:   Can someone point out the regulation regarding packing list requirements for export purposes? I don’t know that it’s a requirement for export purposes but imagine it can cause delays in the importing country if it’s not included.   Also, does anyone have a template they could provide as a guideline?   ================


      Question:   One month ago we were told there was a huge backlog of freight, which was being held by the Finance Ministry for various reasons, sometimes no valid reason at all.  Is this still happening?   Is the Argentine government still requiring the CUPO (used to balance exports against imports)?  We are not finding […]


      Question:   We occasionally export to Argentina, lately our customer has requested a certificate of origin from the actual manufacturer and it has to be stamped by the local chamber of commerce.  The customer is stating that it’s a new regulation from Argentinean Customs.  Have any of the members had the same requests when […]


      Question:   We occasionally export to Argentina, lately our customer has requested a certificate of origin from the actual manufacturer and it has to be stamped by the local chamber of commerce.  The customer is stating that it’s a new regulation from Argentinean Customs.  Have any of the members had the same requests when […]


      Question:   Can anyone in the membership advise if there are any anti-dumping duties in the UK on shoes or apparel imported from China (or advise where I can find this out

  • SHIPPING TO KSI (addtl)

      Question: I have been instructed to look into document and other requirements for shipping merchandise to Saudi Arabia  I queried this on the web site for the U.S. Dept of Commerce and I found a lot of information. But when I spoke to a local DOC representative, I was told that a lot of […]

  • SHIPPING TO KSI (addtl)

      Question: I have been instructed to look into document and other requirements for shipping merchandise to Saudi Arabia  I queried this on the web site for the U.S. Dept of Commerce and I found a lot of information. But when I spoke to a local DOC representative, I was told that a lot of […]

  • SHIPPING TO KSI (addtl)

      Question: I have been instructed to look into document and other requirements for shipping merchandise to Saudi Arabia  I queried this on the web site for the U.S. Dept of Commerce and I found a lot of information. But when I spoke to a local DOC representative, I was told that a lot of […]

  • SHIPPING TO KSI (addtl)

      Question: I have been instructed to look into document and other requirements for shipping merchandise to Saudi Arabia  I queried this on the web site for the U.S. Dept of Commerce and I found a lot of information. But when I spoke to a local DOC representative, I was told that a lot of […]