
Questions and answers about Export


      Question:   Are any members aware of how a company can request export data for a given period of time?  I know there is a CD we can request for a fee but is there a reporting system that is similar to ACE to gather export data by EIN that members are aware of? […]


      Question:   At my new job I am having a debate with our internal attorneys over whether the end user must be identified for our sales to a foreign distributor.  The foreign distributor buys from us in order to resell to its own customer, which is the end user.  We know that the end […]


      Question:   How do other members handle AES/EEI record confidentiality? Our process has been to request the export bill of lading and/or air waybill upon export from the freight forwarder.  In this same inquiry, we request a copy of the AES record.  Then, we audit both documents to our export documents for a match. […]


      Question:   Are others having difficulty when importing into Argentina?  We have a sister facility there, which imports raw materials and finished goods from the US. They are now required to fill out a “sworn statement” in advance of each import of material.  The sworn statement is reviewed and either approved or “observed” (which […]


      Question:   I am new at this so need some guidance, please.   My company is a contract manufacturer and has received their drawings for items controlled under 9A991 and 9B991 for which they would like us to manufacture.  The sale would be between my company in the U.S. and their company in the […]


      Question:       I have a unique situation and I would like some expert opinions and comment   on. Here is the scenario:       ·We, in the USA are buying a product from our parent company in Korea.       Parent company manufactures the good.       .We are […]


      Question:       Hello,       Need the help from the members.       Our company sells to a domestic customer, the domestic customer is asking us       to export the shipment to their related company in Puerto Rico, our company       would pay all freight charges […]


      Question:       I have created a blanket end user certification for all of our customers to   sign and return.  Many of them return it completed right away, no questions   asked.  Many customers, mainly foreign either do not understand it, or simply   do not want to sign it.  Have others […]


      Question:       In a routed transaction, if the USPPI provides to the FPPI’s designated US   Agent the data elements as required to file the AES should the USPPI be   required to fill out an SLI for the forwarder?  The forwarders always seem to   think they need the SLI filled […]

  • Export Points of Contact BIS

        Question:   I while ago I found a list of companies and their export Points of Contact on the BIS website – I know cannot find that document and could really use it.  I have searched BIS to no avail – does anyone have the document or a link where it is that […]

  • BIS 711, end use declaration

      Question:   For Commerce controlled products, how long does the trade community renew their end use declarations/BIS-711?  Who is the responsible party to sign these declarations – purchaser (sold to), distributor (ship to) or the actual end user who may not be your customer?  Just trying to do a little information survey.  

  • ENC

      Question:   Would anyone be willing to share their knowledge & expertise on ENC?   I have a Secure Services Gateway (5A002 Restricted) that I would like to export to the UAE.   I am not the OEM; and, the end-user appears to have some form of foreign government ownership (i.e., approx. 60% of […]