
Questions and answers about Export


    Question:Company A in the U.S. accepted an order from company B in the U.S. for a widget we sell commercially.   Company B asked us to ship it to there warehouse C in the U.S.  Company B asked us to provide an invoice showing the ship to as the company B’s related company D in a […]

  • Export Control Reform

    Question: DDTC posted proposed revisions to Category VII recently, and more categories are coming.  This is all part of “phase II” of export control reform, which can be done administratively by the agencies, i.e. they can just make the changes by changing their regulations (phase III reforms require Congress approval).  My question is this:  the […]

  • Intercompany Export Newsletter

    Question: Does anyone in the membership send out regularly scheduled emails ornewsletters with respect to export compliance, its importance,reminders, news, etc?  If so would anyone be willing to share anexample?

  • U.S. Certificate of Origin Field 8 Calculation

    Question:Can someone please help me understand the calculation used for field #8 of the U.S. Certificate of Origin For Exporters to Israel in the following example? US content and direct costs = $24.00 Foreign content + $1.00 Sale Price = $100.00 As I see it “P” is not correct as the item is not wholly […]

  • Determine if product subject to U.S. jurisdiction

    Question:Just wanted to toss this question around. If I have manufacturing equipment for the brew process that is made up of all Non US parts and is exporting from a European Country.  What would stop my foreign counterparts from exporting this machine to Syria when it has a Microsoft based operating system? =====================

  • USPPI Copy of EEI

    Question: I have in the past insisted the forwarder acting on behalf of the FPPIprovide my company as the USPPI a copy of the EEI once the filing was made.I have also requested they provide a copy of the POA from the FPPI issued tothem as the agent. This is per 15 CFR 30.3 (e) […]

  • Verify current Schedule B number correct

    Question:Our company exports large quantities of marine engine parts that mostly fit under the same 6-digit Schedule B number.  We have been sending the entire 10-digit HTSUS classification to our freight forwarder, as our system has always held the full HTSUS code and we did not think there was any problem with using it for […]

  • Repair services on equip in Iran

    Question: We are a US-based company that manufactures and sells medical equipment.Our foreign subsidiaries are selling our medical equipment to customerslocated in Iran using approved licenses received from OFAC.    We recentlystarted receiving requests from our foreign subs asking for approval toprovide “equipment repair” and “warranty services” to these Iraniancustomers for the equipment we have […]

  • Routed exports and licenseable shipments

    Question: I am interested in learning about industry practice concerning routedexports & licensable shipments.  Our international trade team has drafted acommunication about routed exports and the associated risks.  The policy tobe rolled out will prohibit routed export transactions for licensableshipments or those that require a DEA permit.  Is this too conservative?  Our commercial group is […]


    Question:Does anyone have any recommendations for export control warning language that should be placed on product that is controlled for export under the EAR to certain countries?


    Question:I am experienced at imports and new to exports.  So, I am going to audit my exports.   I am looking for data elements to check for under the following scenarios: 1- Basic audits:  The 1 in 10 you do to keep your FF honest and to make sure murphy’s law is not working on your […]