
Questions and answers about Export


    Question:Does anyone have any recommendations for export control warning language that should be placed on product that is controlled for export under the EAR to certain countries?


    Question: I want to send a sealing machine to my DC in the EU. It uses directed RF toseal clam shells. My question is will i need an export license for this orcan i just use a license exception for intercompany transfers


    Question: Is there a process for finding out if a company is already registered withDDTC before going through the application process? ========================= Answers: The process I use is to request the party confirm in writing whether ornot they are registered.   ========================= The only way that I can think of is to call DDTC and ask.  […]


    Question: Here is the scenario: Our Company is the USPPI (Manufacturer) in a Routed Export Transaction to Japan.  The FPPI (Customer) located in Japan has accepted responsibility for all US export formalities by means of its US Agent (Freight Forwarder).  We manufactured the product and delivered it to the FPPI’s US Agent along with the […]


    Question: We might be exporting some chemicals, and I am trying to find out if we needto register these chemicals in other countries. The items are currentlyregistered with the EPA and are manufactured in the US. We are not themanufacturer. We will be a distributor, and the current manufacturer doesnot ship outside the US. I […]

  • Domestic Sale or Export?

    Question: Question for the masses.  When we have a customer who requests us to ship to a forwarder, but bill them domestically, we consider that a domestic sale and are not listed as the exporter when the parts are later shipped.  If the Bill To address is in another country and we are requested to […]

  • End User Statement

    Question: For those who have a program in place to collect End-User statements for export orders, 2 questions:   Is there any reason that an End-User statement should be required for each & every P.O./shipment or is it OK to collect a blanket statement from each customer?  If a blanket is OK, can it be […]


     Question: Is an export license required for non US products sold to a customer inSyria by a  foreign subsidiary of a US Company.I didn’t think it would be required, the items would be classified EAR 99.

  • Shippers Security Endorsement

    Question: I was trying to help a Canadian freight forwarder get a hot shipment out. I set up the hot shot as usual but when the driver arrived at the all cargo carrier (FedEx) with the shipment, the refussed to accepted it because we did not have an SSE (Shippers Security Endorsement). They said the […]

  • EEI addt’l answers

    Question: I have a question on proper filing of electronic export information.  For our export transactions, we invoice our customers in Euro.   It’s my understanding that when we file EEI, the currency reported should be in USD.   Is there a standard requirement for currency conversion?   Is it similar to import (ie: date of export)?   Appreciate […]