
Questions and answers about Export

  • Licensing responsibility and liability for export

    QUESTION: My US company plans on selling technology subject to export licensing (commercial application only; no military/proliferation) to another US company which is controlled by a Chinese company. The transaction would be a domestic sale, but we have knowledge that this technology will be made available to China nationals/ exported to China. Would the licensing […]

  • ERP set up / implementation Value, origin, ECCN, Country and License requirements

    QUESTION: I am working with our ERP team to automate our export documentation and EEI filing processes.  We are developing the format for our export documentation and EEI filing requirements so that our FFs can pull data from our documents (no separate SLI required).   We want to develop a process that triggers when an EEI […]


    QUESTION: We export consumable goods used in the medical/dental field.  All of our products are EAR99 and most of the shipments are routed transactions.  We use  foreign distributors for our products.  The distributors will often hold the shipments at their forwarder location in the US, consolidate with orders from other manufacturers and then ship out.  […]

  • FPPI File EEI?

    Your Social Security Statement QUESTION: We have a new routed export customer in Puerto Rico. Per our export compliance policy, we have asked them for a copy of the POA between them and their US freight forwarder for filing EEI. The customer did not understand why we were asking for this and I advised that they contact the freight […]

  • Routed Exports – FF Filing EEI’s on behalf of FPPI

    Your Social Security Statement QUESTION: I would like to get advice from other businesses on how they manage working with freight forwarders that are hired on behalf of the FPPI.  The situation we have at my company is about 95% of all outbound shipments are routed exports.  We reach out to the Freight Forwarder that was […]

  • Routed Exports – FF Filing EEI’s on behalf of FPPI

    Your Social Security Statement QUESTION: I would like to get advice from other businesses on how they manage working with freight forwarders that are hired on behalf of the FPPI.  The situation we have at my company is about 95% of all outbound shipments are routed exports.  We reach out to the Freight Forwarder that was […]

  • Liquid solution exported to Europe

    QUESTION: We typically export a powder from the US to our different subsidiaries.  Once the powder arrives to the destination water is added to make a liquid solution.  We have the HS Code for the powder. Our R&D team wants to ship a pre-mixed solution (powder and water) in 100 and 200 gallon totes via […]


    QUESTION: My company is a U.S. company – no locations or subsidiaries outside of the U.S. The question is concerning buying in the U.S. from a supplier who uses EXWORKS terms. This supplier is in the U.S.. The supplier uses this U.S. office and staff in the U.S. to quote, order process, and bill/collect money. […]

  • Export Controls for Encryption articles

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: My US-Based company is producing products in other countries which contain controlled encryption under 5A002 and 5D002.  Some are sold to direct users and some to distributors.  We are struggling with how far to go with setting controls for distributors.  We have CCATS and ELA’s as necessary for the […]

  • Exporting of 5A002 ECCN Items and the Reporting Process

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: My company has a few exports every year that involve parts that are controlled under 5A002 and I have learned recently that there is some type of reporting process involved when you have exports of those types of parts. I have several questions however as my situation involving […]

  • Routed Transaction BOL Date Vs. ACE Export Date

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: Regarding BOL Date and AES Export Date for Routed Transactions.  I have a scenario where our customers pick up goods at our warehouse in TX, and after a two-day transit, they export the goods to Mexico as routed transactions using the BOL from our warehouse.   We requested […]

  • Export Documentation for Shipments from US to US Territories

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: When shipping to US territories other than Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, (i.e, Guam, American Somoa) from the US, are you preparing export documentation as if an export transaction, with specific exemption language on the SLI? =========== Answer: It is still required that AES be filed for both […]