
Questions and answers about Export


    QUESTION: What is considered a best practice in screening methodology? We are looking at an option that includes two concurrent screenings, the first is a batch screening on a nightly basis of all entities and the second is real-time screening per transaction at time of export I know this will be primarily be a business […]

  • Foreign Military Customer Exporting using STA

    QUESTION: My foreign military customer has nominated a freight forwarder to collect an item that requires a commerce license. The goods will be consolidated and sent under the name of the foreign military customer c/o the freight forwarder using strategic trade authorization – STA My company name will not appear on any of the shipment […]

  • Routed Export and EEI

    QUESTION: On a routed export to China or Russia, what are the pros and cons for the USPPI filing the EEI vs the freight forwarder? %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: When the USPPI files the EEI as a routed export, they are technically doing so, not on their own behalf, but on behalf of the FPPI.  Anyone who […]


    QUESTION: If a Foreign Customer contracts their freight forwarder in their foreign country and the foreign freight forwarder contracts a U.S. freight forwarder, what is the responsibility of each party involved regarding a POA?  How can we release shipment to the U.S. freight forwarder? ========== Answers: You probably need to see the sub-POA from the […]


    QUESTION: With the move by the President to Hong Kong Export Restrictions and Sanctions to be deemed as CHINA, how does this effect normal shipments to Hong Kong companies that are not defense/military shipments.  Are these now to be considered under the rule that went into effect June 29,2020 that requires all shipments to China […]


    QUESTION: We have an item that we assemble in the US out of dozens of foreign parts from 5+ countries.  It seems like this is still simple assembly and would not change the origin based on US definition of Substantial Transformation in case rulings.  The component that seems to provide the essence is from China. […]

  • Related Parties – Exports

    QUESTION: I’m having a hard time figuring out the related parties criteria for an Export transaction. It mentions the 10% ownership, whether direct or indirect.  Could a common parent company fit the 10% indirect ownership criteria making Companies A, B, and C considered related parties regardless of whether they are separate legal entities without direct […]


    QUESTION: Has anyone heard when the new proposed regulations for routed exports will be released? ************ Answers: I just talked to Keisha at Census – it is with BIS still for review and synchronization.  The BIS and Census rules have to come out on the same day.  Census’ draft rule has been done for a […]

  • Exporting Goods that are unfit for US consumption

    QUESTION: I recall there was an FTC ( Federal Trade Commission) rule that prohibits the export of goods that are “unfit for consumption” in the USA.  Now I cannot find it on the FTC site.  Anyone knows about this rule and if it is still in effect? ================================================================ Answer: Based on my recollection, I think […]

  • Export Record Retention

    QUESTION: Does anyone now where to find the list of specific documents to retain?  I looked in Part 762 but that does not list out to actually keep the copies of commercial invoice, packing list, SLI, SED, signed truck bill of lading and documents of that nature. My boss is requesting the written regulation that […]

  • Document Attestation/Notary Fees

    QUESTION: I’m looking for a best practice or industry standard for a US export sale and shipment.  A customer outside of the U.S. requires either notarized or attested commercial documents used for importation into their foreign country.  Who should absorb the fees for the notary and/or attesting service – the buyer or the seller?   %%%%%%%%%% […]


    QUESTION: With the 25% tariff increase on china material we are shifting a portion of that cost to our International customers by adding a separate line to the sales order.  Our Customer in China is asking us to remove this line from the Commercial invoice as it becomes a problem with Chinese customs that the […]