Questions and answers about FDA

  • FDA Q&A 12

    I was instructed by my broker that the FDA product code I had instructed them to use was not valid. I went ot the FDA product code builder on the web and was able to create the FDA product code I had instructed my broker to use. I than did a key word search on […]

  • FDA Q&A 13

    Does anyone have any information on general FDA or does anyone know of an FDA training course to attend in 2008? I’m just looking for some answers to general questions. For example, using the product code builder we know that Griddles are specifically provided for, but what about parts of the griddle? If we started […]

  • FDA Q&A 14

    Does every FDA regulated registered product, having an acession number, require an FDA 2877 be filed when imported into the US?

  • FDA Q&A 15

    We purchased a cord blood bank company last year with the expectation all blood will originate from the United States. There is an opportunity to bank blood from outside of the U.S. and we are researching the various regulatory requirements with the Department of Health, Food and Drug and Customs to import cord blood. We […]