Foreign Trade Zones

Questions and answers about Foreign Trade Zones


    Question: Does anyone have a template or form letter that may be used to indicate potential interest in a new general foreign trade zone.  We are working with a developer on a new warehouse.  The industrial park the warehouse will be located in is considering applying to become a foreign trade zone.  As a step […]


    Question:              Would anyone in the membership have an existing checklist/mini-audit that an FTZ Operator could use to verify compliance with the various FTZ requirements, such as inventory control, 214, 7501 and 7512 filings, record keeping, internal controls for operation with scope/authority, physical security, etc? Thanks. 


    Question:Goods entered in FTZ without NAFTA preference.  Goods later withdrawn for consumption (06 entry type) and duty paid.  Vendor later issues NAFTA certificate with valid blanket period covering these goods.  Can a 520(d) claim be filed to recover the duties paid at 06 withdrawal?


    Question:                                                                     In regards to what is permissible to entry into a FTZ, I know that prohibited articles are not allowed.  But can any of the members advise if articles subject to Antidumping are permitted to be entered into a General Purpose FTZ?  


    Question: Our foreign supplier ships to the US to their own FTZ for storage.  When our company needs the parts, they do a zone to zone transfer.   If our company wasn’t the importer of record, legally, can the product transfer out of the foreign suppliers zone?  Answers:


    Question: We are a large retailer/distributor with a product base across a broad spectrum of commodities/HTS and looking to use Direct Distribution FTZ Sub-Zone(s) to facilitate DC operations. For any members that currently have these operations in place, I would appreciate some feedback on the following: Did you utilize an outside consultant to totally plan […]

  • Imported A.D.D. Items Placed in FTZ

    Question:I would like to know what the opinion is as to ADD items placed in a FTZ.  Is there an option of whether they are admitted as privileged or non-privileged and at the time of withdrawal, what would be the applicable ADD rate to be paying Customs, the ADD rate at time of Admission or […]

  • Re-opening an FTZ Entry

    Question: Is it possible to re-open an FTZ entry?  Originally received instructions to export goods in the FTZ so a T&E was issued but now customer has changed their mind and want to export a different lot and return the other material to the FTZ.Answer:

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 1

    We’re looking into the possibility of operating a FTZ. Because our goods are finished when imported, our biggest advantage would be the weekly duty payment which allows us to cap our MPF each week. Are any other members utilizing FTZs just for the MPF advantage? If we were to consider that, do you have any […]

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 2

    We have a customer here in the states that purchases product directly from us in the states. We purchase this material from our foreign affiliate on a CIP basis. We would like for the customer to continue to purchase this product directly from us instead of going straight to our foreign affiliate so we can […]

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 3

    Relative to the new CBP directive # 3240-036A, which becomes effective on Monday, October 20, 2003, what are the local CBP offices saying regarding how they will administer procedure 6.3? This has the potential to cause significant delays and could require changes to a company’s weekly estimated withdrawal procedures. Also, there is new language in […]