Foreign Trade Zones

Questions and answers about Foreign Trade Zones

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 5

    Would appreciate some advice for this “fictionalized” transaction. The importer uses the FTZ to manufacture specialty vehicles. Engines are imported and placed in the FTZ; however, a box of spare parts is also shipped with the engine. The parts are used during the installation of the engine and to attach the engine to the vehicle. […]

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 6

    Has anyone a procedure you can share on entry and withdrawals? Both privileged and non-privileged merchandise? There is some assembly taking place in the zone using both foreign and domestic components for shipment from the zone to both related and unrelated US third parties. There’s also some same condition shipments shipped same condition.

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 7

    The importer brings in a large pump. With the pump comes a lot of loose parts that are eventually used to attach the pump to a larger machine. The loose parts come with part numbers and recently the vendor started assigning values to the parts. The vendor used to just lump the cost of the […]

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 9

    We are in the process of converting our warehouse to a FTZ. We are a retail distributor with thousands of sku’s and find we make inventory adjustments daily through our cycle count. I would be interested to know how if there are any other retailers who operate a FTZ. What is the percentage of accuracy […]

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 10

    We are planning an FTZ subzone for our plant. We are now doing the cost/benefit of FTZ software. IT folk are suggesting we could attempt to do the FTZ completely within SAP. We implemented SAP three years ago, still working out some kinks for international. We bought the SAP-GTS module, but never implemented GTS in […]

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 11

    In reading through the FTZ Brochure on CBP’s site under the advantages of using foreign-trade zone section it says “Goods may be imported into, and then exported from, a zone without the payment of duty and excise taxes except to certain countries, such as NAFTA countries, in which case, any applicable duty and excise tax […]

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 12

    Does anyone operate an FTZ and take advantage of the EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement? This would mean that you would be admitting European products in to your FTZ and then submitting an IE CF7512 (or other in bond move) to export the products out to Mexico. The time from the admission in to the zone […]

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 14

    Does anyone operate an FTZ and take advantage of the EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement? This would mean that you would be admitting European products in to your FTZ and then submitting an IE CF7512 (or other in bond move) to export the products out to Mexico. The time from the admission in to the zone […]

  • Foreign Trade Zones Q&A 15

    Are members who run FTZs planning to submit comments regarding “FTZ Administrators” and possible conflicts of interest? Link to the FR notice: 1+0+0+0&WAISaction=retrieve By way of background: the title “FTZ Administrator” is not found in the regulations. Many FTZ grantees, required to act and price their services like “public utilities,” find it convenient to […]