Foreign Trade Zones

Questions and answers about Foreign Trade Zones


    Question: We are a wholesale distributor with thousands of sku’s and find we make inventory adjustments daily through our cycle count in our FTZ. I would be interested to know how other FTZ operators value the goods that they are negatively and positively adjusting and are they able to pinpoint the adjustments to specific purchase […]


    Question: I would like to ask the membership for those who have knowledge and or participating in an FTZ in which the imports are applicable to FDA.  From my understanding, under an FTZ, one entry is completed per week.  What happens if and/or when FDA places a hold on a particular item? Does the entry […]


    Question: My company is considering moving toward becoming an FTZ.  I am trying to get a good idea of what the procedures manual should look like that is submitted to CBP.  Would anyone mind sharing a copy of theirs?  I know there is a published CBP FTZ manual, but I am looking for an actual […]


    Question: Our plant’s applying for FTZ. The production notification wants a list of all parts. If I use this format, that would be 300+ pages. Does the Board really need that much detail? If not, how do I decide what to list? ************* Answers: I’m not sure if you are thinking that you must list […]


    Question: Our FTZ has been granted Direct Delivery. Containers arrive in the same port that our FTZ is located in. When utilizing Direct Delivery, is a PTT document required? Am I missing where this is laid out in the regulations? ********** ANSWER: It is general Customs  practice to use a PTT to move a container […]


    Question: How early may a PTT be transmitted for an import container destined for an FTZ in the USA? Does the container need to have already arrived in port? ========== Answers: A PTT can be issued up to 5 days prior to inland estimated arrival however it will not post in ACE untill the entire […]

  • FTZ

    Question: My company wants to occasionally import goods into an FTZ for duty deferral and weekly entry benefits. The numbers are not quite in our favor for implementing our own site (15 containers per month, no exports). The question I have is this: If we use a 3pl for their FTZ, do they provide the […]


    Question: Our FTZ has its building and fenced-in yard activated. We store our product in the yard. Do the regulations forbid us from allowing a non-related party to store their merchandise on our yard? The product is never owned by us. Depending on the time the non-related product will remain, it may either be stacked […]


    Question: What documentation must be maintained for record keeping compliance on a transfer of title in a foreign trade zone, from the party who caused the goods to be admitted to the zone to another party removing the goods and serving as importer of record? *********** Answers: A simple title transfer document, signed by the […]


    Question: I think setting up a manufacturing foreign trade zone is an option for the case outlined at the bottom of this email. I have two questions: 1)      Once set up, can a company choose exactly which products they want to put (or not put) under it? 2)      I know this is a vague question […]


    Question: Can a zone operator electronically arrive any bonded carrier’s I.T.? Should a POA be required from the carrier to the zone operator to perform this function? *********** ANSWERS: A zone operator can arrive a bonded carriers IT if they have the ABI software to do this.  For the most part, the filing of the […]


    Question: Is it a requirement in the FTZ regulations that the FTZ Administrator sit within the four walls of the FTZ or can that person be located elsewhere ?If required in the regs can you please let me know where in the regs. ************* ANSWER: Customs does not require the FTZ administratorto be located at […]