Free Trade Agreements

Questions and answers about Free Trade Agreements


      Question:   Many of the FTAs include a tariff shift rule and I understand the theory of “components” of a final product shifting from the original to the final HTS.   How far down the Bill of Material do we need to go to define “components” – can we stop at sub-assemblies, or does […]

  • US-CFTA requirement

      Question: Current situation: Company A produces a heavy motor vehicle in the United States and sells it to a related company in Mexico.   Mexico sells to an unrelated company in Colombia but has the motor vehicle drop-shipped from Company A to Colombia. The vehicle contains 35% US content, which satisfies the RVC content requirements […]

  • UKFTA, Korea FTA

      Question: For those of you already exporting goods to Korea under the UKFTA, does the Korean government require that the FTA certificate you issue be certified/approved by the US Government or Chamber of Commerce in order for the certificate to be accepted?  Are there any specific statements you must include on the invoice? 

  • UKFTA, Korea FTA

      Question: For those of you already exporting goods to Korea under the UKFTA, does the Korean government require that the FTA certificate you issue be certified/approved by the US Government or Chamber of Commerce in order for the certificate to be accepted?  Are there any specific statements you must include on the invoice?   

  • Certificate requirements for Colombia FTA

      Thanks to the Dallas community college district international small business group for sending this! ———- Forwarded Message ———–     Here is info and forms (English) we (Colmbian forms) received from the US Commercial Service in Bogota Colombia. Perhaps the members will find it useful.   >>> Cameron Werker 5/16/2012 12:40 PM >>>   […]


      Question:   Our customer is asking us to sign the attached UKFTA certificate claiming that it is a requirement of the Korean customs authority.  Are other importers experiencing this??  Also, I remember another “AskTheMembership” wondering about the preference criterion Article 6.1(a) = WO; 6.1(b) = PSR; and 6.1(c) = PE which are referenced at […]


      THANKS TO VANESSA FOR PROVIDING THIS!   Thought I’d share the attached with any in the membership being asked to provide origin criteria for the KORUS FTA.     We were asked to provide origin codes from our Korean affiliate and could not find codes referenced in the FTA text.  These codes are not specific […]

  • Transshipments Preferrential Treatment

      Question: A final destination country (Korea, in this case) is not granting preferential duty treatment on freight transshipped via Hong Kong. Korean Customs Officials maintain that it does not remain ” under Customs Control” i.e. bonded warehouse), and, therefore, does not qualify for the Free Trade Agreement. (KORUS) The freight is not altered in […]


      Question: Has anyone seen a list of the HTS numbers that will be affected by the new KORUS FTA?   Or do you know when the HTS will be updated to reflect the Korean FTA? *********** Please note: there were multiple answers with the same website – so we only published them once. ************

  • US-Korea FTA

      Question: How does the membership plan on addressing the U.S. Korea FTA Origin certification? Since there is no prescribed format, would any of the members be willing to share their format for the certification?  Fromwhat I have been able to find regarding the certification, the certifying person / entity must include “information demonstrating that […]


      Question:   I am looking for a recap – summary for the Korean-US Free Trade Agreement. The CBP website doesn’t appear to have added it to the side by side chart and I have found limited information on the USTR other than the full text. I am looking for a more summarized version or […]