Free Trade Agreements

Questions and answers about Free Trade Agreements

  • Israeli Customs/Certificate of origin

    QUESTION: Wondering if anyone else in the membership has this dilemma. We are asked to provide two different documents for two different customers to avoid delays with Israeli customs. One customer is simple, a blanket certificate of origin is kept on file with their broker for all effected parts.  There are no issues with customs […]

  • Training on tariff shift rules

    QUESTION: Does anyone in the membership have a presentation that explains how to read tariff shifts to people that don’t have an understanding of the HTS? I want to be able to explain why a product does or does not qualify for an FTA. ******* Answers: The best way to explain this concept is with […]


    QUESTION: We are a manufacturer and FTA certify many of our products under either a tariff shift or regional value content methodology.  Many of the products we manufacture are configured by either the customer or out of necessity for the customer’s end use.  I want to blanket certify these configured products, but as you could […]

  • Regarding U.S.-Israel FTA Rules of Origin and Substantial Transformation

    QUESTION: Background: We have had two requests by the Israel Ministry of Finance Rules of Origin Section for verification of origin.  At least one of those requests was rejected and our customer has been billed for duties owed.  Our product is electrical distribution equipment, and in particular one of those items is our plug-in unit, […]

  • China-Costa Rica Free Trade agreement

    QUESTION: We import lighting fixtures from out contract manufacturers in China.  They are shipped to our US distribution warehouse, we pay duties on all shipments.  We then sell to a customer in Costa Rica.  These products would fall under the China-Costa Rica Free trade agreement.  Our customer in Costa Rica is asking for the certificate […]

  • Documentation Process for USIFTA

    QUESTION: With Israel’s new requirement for US-Israel FTA to document the originstatement on the invoice instead of a separate document, how is yourcompany meeting this requirement? Are you able to insert the lengthydeclaration directly on to the invoice from your ERP? Or are you usingtools outside the operating system? ========== Answers: You can also place […]

  • South Korea Free Trade Agreement Documentation From Suppliers

    QUESTION: We are a manufacturer. We plan on exporting finished goods and parts to South Korea. Our customer in South Korea is requesting a free trade certificate for the parts that we do not manufacture. What is the required documentation we should obtain from our suppliers to make sure we can complete a valid certificate […]


    QUESTION: Would anyone be willing to share a template or sample of control procedure for FTA (Free Trade Agreement) such as US-Korea, NAFTA , etc.  ? ========== Answer: Attached is our process. ==========


    QUESTION: Can anyone in the membership provide direction to the ‘published’ changes starting March 31, 2018 to the US – ISRAEL Free Trade Agreement? *********** Answers: According to the American – Israel Chamber of Commerce, Customs officials have announced that the “official certificate of origin”, a.k.a the “green form”, will no longer be necessary as […]


    QUESTION: I have read that the US and CA had a trade agreement which preceded NAFTA.  Is that true? And, if so, can the experts weigh in on the likelihood of  this agreement being reactivated so CA and the US can still take advantage of an FTA. =================== ANSWERS: The Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement […]


    QUESTION: As a producer of a finished good, how do you explain to your suppliers of raw materials and components why they need to provide a Free Trade agreement certificate of origin to confirm its status as an originating material? These raw materials and components do not meet the applicable tariff shift therefore we need […]


    QUESTION: My company manufactures pickles (HTSUS 2001.10.0000) at a US location. I am told about 70% of the gherkins used in manufacturing are US origin, the other 30% are MX origin, and there is no current method in place to segregate them based on said origin. The gherkins to not undergo a substantial transformation during […]