Question: Do any members have reliable insight from Washington DC or from other sources as to if and when GSP will be renewed? ========== Answer: As with the misc. tariff bills, I am guess it will be after the elections. ==========
Question: Do any members have reliable insight from Washington DC or from other sources as to if and when GSP will be renewed? ========== Answer: As with the misc. tariff bills, I am guess it will be after the elections. ==========
Question:We are importing product from a GSP country, and the classification is GSP eligible. If we provide our foreign supplier with engineering work and tools that are assists do the value of these assists need to incorporated into the value of non-originating material or direct costs of processing for the GSP calculation?
Question: Has anyone seen or heard anything regarding the reinstatement of the Generalized System of Preferences?
Question:What are others in the membership requiring from the vendors to substantiateshipments being imported under GSP? I have previous experience of whatCustoms looks for shipments imported under AGOA, but I’m wondering if theyexpect more for textiles vs. non-textile shipments. Under AGOA they expectedus to secure production records, time cards, cutting records, transferrecords, po’s, etc. for […]
Question: A new product we are about to import falls under GSP when the 35%treshhold is met: it ships from a BDC, and this BDC is the country oforigin for the purposes of GSP. However, when the BDC content is lessthan 35% (depending on the actual cost of materials), by the applicationof substantial transformation rule, […]
Question: WE import product under GSP. We have documentation including costed bill of materials from our suppliers to ensure the product qualifies for GSP. If we export the product back to the supplier for repair on the re-import back into the US does the product still qualify for GSP? If yes, what kind of documentation […]
Question: I would like to ask the membership if anyone has a GSP policy or procedure that I could take a look at. I am beginning to evaluate my company’s products for GSP acceptability and I would like to see how others have put together their program to monitor and validate GSP claims.
Question: Does anyone have a list of GSP countries in an excel spreadsheet? I am trying to design an audit process & would prefer to eliminate the step of manually comparing to the country list in the HTS
Question: A customer is the importer of record of a product that qualifies for GSP. The seller is a US company related to the foreign manufacturer. The customer has requested the US seller to sign a GSP declaration. Our concern is, that if the customer gets audited by customs, they might request the US […]
Question: We do not claim GSP at this time, but we are considering it. Is GSP like NAFTA if eligible you don’t have to pay MPF? Or does GSP only provide duty free status?
Can an importer claim GSP for labor costs incurred in a Beneficiary Developing Country for the minor processing work on a product that retains its US country of origin?
Would you ask the group if they would accept the wording on Invoices regarding GSP: “All items are wholly grown, manufactured or produced in GSP country” without any kind of back up or a percentage? It is my understanding that the Form A from what I can read is no longer accepted even though it […]