• Question: We recently got a request from one of the big courier services to provide copies of SDS’s NO OLDER THAN TWO YEARS. I’ve long been under the impression that an SDS doesn’t expire so long as the underlying facts (chemical comp, etc.) don’t change. I realize that many mfrs re-issue their SDS’s every few […]

  • installed Button cell battery

    Question: Is Installed button cell battery a HAZMAT controlled? up to how many quantity we can ship? what specific labels are needed on box? Asked by: ami mehta – ami.mehta@teradyne.com Answer 1: Couriers have battery shipping policies you can refer that should answer your question if shipping via Air.  If you plan to do this […]

  • International Hazardous/DG Shipping

    QUESTION: Does anyone have something (e.g. form, work instruction) used to help shipping/transportation with the International shipment of Hazardous/Dangerous Goods? This typically falls outside of Trade Controls and within Logistics/Supply Chain, as it is governed by IATA and IMDG rules, which the major carriers then follow – but we are small and low tech and […]


    QUESTION: My team will be shipping a couple hundred individual shipments of security tokens (VPN tokens) to our international employees… so 1 token per shipment in small padded packaging. The manufacture has indicated the token uses a manganese dioxide lithium battery with a trace amount of lithium.  The question is, does this still require the […]


    QUESTION: We recently imported shower gel and perfume and when the container arrived at the US port our trucking company alerted us that a hazardous material placard was on the container. They refused to pick up the container until a Dangerous Goods Notice (DGN) and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) were provided. We were never […]


    QUESTION: Does anyone have guidance/language that would go in a Bill of Lading (for both domestic and foreign) whereby the product is HazMat?  EPA specific language? ********** Answers: Hazmat are regulated by IMO, IATA  and DOT depending on mode of transportation. What you are referring to is Proper Shipping Name and is specific to each […]


    QUESTION: Concerning Hazmat General Awareness training, is there legal language in the hazmat regulations that stipulate any requirements for this type of training? I understand there are requirements for multi-modal (IATA, DOT, and IMDG) training, but have not been able to locate anything on “General Awareness” training. If yes, can you please specify the exact […]


    Question: Hoping someone can provide some guidance to the following questions regarding Hazmat / Dangerous Goods materials/shipping? 1)      I have heard in the past that any physical warehouse containing Hazmat/DG must have all of this material physically separated from the rest of the inventory.  Can anyone point to a regulation which addresses this? 2)      I […]


    Question: Recently we had a US export where the HazMat requirements for French groundtransport differed from that of US-DOT and IMDG. A placard change is legally required when is arrives in France. The placardscannot be affixed before arrival. The French importer insists that we the US exporter must ensure the French-required placards are affixed at […]