Import Licensing

Questions and answers about Import Licensing

  • Tester, Variable

    Question: We are trying to buy a tester (for GE-J85 parts) from Dubai because if we buy it here in the US, the cost is about 3x more.  The complete description is Tester, Variable Exhaust Nozzle System.  Our company is the end user, manufacturer is a GE, and it is Made in the U.S.  The […]

  • Hong Kong import license

    Question: A question has come up as to which party is responsible to apply for a Hong Kong import license.  The item is export controlled under 5A002 but would be generally eligible to use exception ENC to export from the US.  However, since it is controlled by 5A002, Hong Kong also requires both import and […]

  • Examples Statement or letter for parties on UVL

    Question: Does anyone have an example of a statement or letter for UVL requirements for people identified on the list Answer 1: If you want to proceed with an export, reexport, or transfer eligible for No License Required (NLR) to a party on the Unverified List, you must first obtain a specific statement required by […]

  • Steel Mill Certificate

    Question: I would like to ask the membership a question regarding Steel Mill Certificates.  I am being required by the customs broker to provide a Steel Mill Certificate for HTS#’s 7307.22 & 7307.29. These items are stainless steel pipe fittings (“T” and an “elbow”). When reviewing the steel products on, these numbers are excluded […]

  • ATF Form 6A

    Question: Does anyone have instructions for submitting ATF Form 6A on eForms? Answer 1: It’s pretty simple.  Log into the Eforms site and choose the icon for the Form 6A.  Click on Continue.  Enter your approved Form 6 permit number and click on Find permit.  Enter the country from which the item is being exported […]

  • ATF Form 6A (5330.3C)

    Question: Does any have instructions for completing ATF Form 6A (5330.3C) or can anyone point me in the right direction for finding more info? I’m new to the company and have had zero training and I’m completely lost. Any help is greatly appreciated! Answer 1: The ATF website should be helpful.  Check the regulations for […]

  • Handgun accessory import requirements

    Question: Can anyone in the membership provide a link to a source or regulation that could help determine if an imported accessory for civilian owned handguns to be sold at a retailer requires any special permits or filings with the ATF or other agencies? I have been unable to find anything that fits this situation […]

  • Melt & Pour Requirements

    Question: Steel Mills from x country are refusing to include the country of melt and pour on the mill test certificates.  Would an annual blanket letter from the mill suffice or is documentation required showing the melt and pour per shipment referencing the mill test certificate number?  The steel mills are arguing that their systems […]


      QUESTION:     We are an importer and have an in-house brokerage where we  both self-file entries as well as have the standard Fedex, UPS file entries as our Customs Broker.       Of those people who self-file entries, none have a broker’s license. We do have two people on staff with a […]

  • Import Licensing Q&A 1

    We import parts for corporate aircraft and act in our own behalf as a broker. In recent shipments we imported from France, “pipes” used on our aircraft for various purposes. We’ve been classifying them under HTS 7304.49.0060. For the last three shipments, Customs reviewed the CF3461 entry package, then released the shipment. When we submitted […]

  • Import Licensing Q&A 2

    We are importing refurbished telecommunications equipment into Brazil. While we are able to get the certification from ABINEE, we are experiencing import license approval delays. Due to the delays we our Certifications from ABINEE expire and we have to start the process all over. Was hoping if any member has experienced the same issues, have […]

  • Import Licensing Q&A 3

    We are importing refurbished telecommunications equipment into Brazil. While we are able to get the certification from ABINEE, we are experiencing import license approval delays. Due to the delays we our Certifications from ABINEE expire and we have to start the process all over. Was hoping if any member has experienced the same issues, have […]