
Questions and answers about Import


      Question: Our facility in Mexico ships to the U.S. several times a week. Our commercial invoices can be hundreds of pages long, due to similar items (same HTS) with different unit prices. We are trying to simplify the entry process for our new Customs Broker. As long as we still have a normal commercial […]

  • Presentation for new importer

      Question:   I was contacted by a friend who just started to import into the US. Has anyone created, or come across, a presentation fitting of a new, small importer?  It would cover:   1) Import Process A to Z – Planinng and Transaction. PO, shipment, entry and clearance process, Documentation (C/I, P/L, 3461, […]

  • DEA import permits

      Question: A question for those trade compliance teams that import DEA regulated product – “who in you rcompany is responsible for identifying that a product is regulated by the DEA – either drug or machinery to make drugs – and who is responsible for applying for the import permits, notifying DEA of the impending […]

  • DEA import permits

      Question: A question for those trade compliance teams that import DEA regulated product – “who in you rcompany is responsible for identifying that a product is regulated by the DEA – either drug or machinery to make drugs – and who is responsible for applying for the import permits, notifying DEA of the impending […]

  • Who is reponsible for information reported to CBP under DDP terms

    QUESTION: We issue a PO to a foreign entity with terms DDP. The foreign entities US location is handling US Customs clearance based on DDP terms. From a compliance perspective, who is responsible for the information that is reported to US Customs – my company as the purchaser or their company – since they handled […]

  • DDP Vendors Providing HTS on Invoice

    Question:Can anyone pls give me some suggestions on how to convince our DDP vendors provide us the HTS # either on their invoice or give us a copy of the 7501 form? The problem is we never request this info (the HTS # on the products they made for us) before. We not sure whether […]


    Question: Our company is shipping a device to China against a Letter of Credit.  TheLC requires a “Certificate of Quantity”.  Does anyone in the membership havea blank certificate of quantity that they would be willing to share?  Wehave never needed one of these before.  Thanks!

  • Handling import entry liquidations

    Question:How do other importers handle liquidation of import entries? When an entry has liquidated and passes the 5 year record retention period how do importers determine which entries to destroy? Do they have their brokers run a liquidation report or is there a better way to approach the situation? My company hasn’t imported that long […]