
Questions and answers about Import

  • Import Q&A 7

    Does anyone import Fluorescent light bulbs? We are trying to find out if there are any special import requirements involved?

  • Import Q&A 8

    Years ago, CBP published a list of the largest U.S. importers by entered value, and then quickly removed it. Does anyone have that list that they can share, or know where similar current information can be accessed?

  • Import Q&A 9

    Where can I find specific verbiage relating to US Export controls being complied with for US Imports? I’ve known that when importing you are not to deal with a party on the denied parties list as you cannot on the export side. We are not, but I want to make it clear that just because […]

  • Import Q&A 10

    Years ago, CBP published a list of the largest U.S. importers by entered value, and then quickly removed it. Does anyone have that list that they can share, or know where similar current information can be accessed? Asked on 06.22.2007 Look at the ICPA website . . the list is there.   CBP still is […]

  • Import Q&A 12

    My company exports a large volume of material to vendors in the USA for rework and repair. None of this material is NAFTA eligible which means that we have to open up TIB’s for every shipment when it enters into the USA. As you can imagine this creates a very large number of TIB’s and […]

  • Import Q&A 13

    After our company was purchased, we continued to use 2 separate IOR’s. I’m wondering if we can use 1 IOR for both companies. The parent company is moving everything to their logo, e-mail, etc for “brand recognition” purposes. The child company will still exist with it’s own IRS #.

  • Import Q&A 14

    QUESTION ON IMPORT MANUAL: Does anyone have a “generic” import manual they would be willing to share??

  • Import Q&A 15

    QUESTION ON CORRECT IOR: I work for Company A, a CTPAT validated, compliant importer, and a division of my company (DivisionX) wants to start importing goods. Not a problem but Division X is the entity paying the vendor one cost and then Company A is actually buying the item from Division X for a different […]

  • Import Q&A 17

    It is my understanding that an entry is flagged for recon in the ABI header record. Are you able to see the recon flag on the 7501? If so, what block number is it supposed to be in? From what I can find in the CATAIR, there is no specific block number mentioned.

  • Import Q&A 18

    Would anyone be able to provide me information regarding liquidation notices provided by the Department of the Treasury U.S. Customs Service? On occasion, we will receive a liquidation notice titled “Courtesy Notice,” Customs Form 4333A (041593), listing a U.S. Customs Service port along with a filer code, batch number and liquidation amount. Nowhere does it […]

  • Import Q&A 19

    Does anyone know of a way to get a report of liquidated entries for specified time periods, that also shows the entered and liquidated values? Right now we are only receiving the old carbon notices, but due to the fact that our import business has increased exponentially over the past few years, using those notices […]