Questions and answers about INCOTERMS

  • Incoterms in foreign countries

    Question Incoterms are not codified under U.S. law or regulation, but how are Incoterms treated in other countries? Let’s say my customer and I engage in a transaction that doesn’t fit the basic template of any Incoterm, and we decide to avoid rather than modify an Incoterm, meaning that all the risks and obligations are […]

  • DDP and Customs reporting responsibility

    Question: We issue a PO to a foreign entity with terms DDP. The foreign entities US location is handling US Customs clearance based on DDP terms. From a compliance perspective, who is responsible for the information that is reported to US Customs – my company as the purchaser or their company – since they handled […]


    Question:Under ex-works terms, is the freight forwarder required to give the U.S. PPI a copy of the EEI filing? Is the forwarder or exporter (agent of the FPPI) legally required to change or modify a previously submitted EEI?


    I am needing to determine what the appropriate incoterms out of Mexico should be if we are handling the transportation door to door.  In scenario one we will be responsible for both the Mexican export clearance (our supplier will grant POA to our chosen broker and we will pay all fees) as well as the […]


    Question: We will have a high value import, for example, $5MM and the incoterm isCFR, which includes freight costs.  Usually the shipper breaks out thefreight value on the commercial invoice, but that’s the extent of our“evidence” of freight value.  If we were audited on this entry would thefreight cost simply noted on the commercial invoice […]


    Question:Has anyone put together a summary / training for the new Incoterms 2010 effective in January 2011, that they would be willing to share?


    Question: If a company ships using DDP terms, arrangements can be made in manycountries for the foreign exporter to be the official importer in thedestination country [US: FIOR / CA: NRI, etc].  An entry is submitted inthe shipper’s name and all charges [fees, duty, taxes] are billed backto the shipper.  If arrangements are made for […]


    Question: It is my understanding of Incoterms is that it defines the transfer of risk and liability of products, not who acts as the importer of record. I have a situation where our customer placed a purchase order from my sister company in Germany.  Terms of sale were DDP.  As they caused the importation to […]


    Original Question: Need some clarification from the membership. Under Incoterms 2000 Carriage Paid To (named place) there is a clause that states “If subsequent carriers are used for the carriage to the agreed destination, the risk passes when the goods have been delivered to the first carrier”. The question is if I contract with an […]

  • Legitimate Scenario?

    Question:Please help me make some sense out of the following transaction (so far I am failing): The deal was made so that a related foreign supplier sells goods to a US buyer FOB foreign port. The US buyer re-sells these goods to their US customer FOB foreign port. The US customer is responsible for collect […]


    I have been asked to look into the possibility of shipping DDP excluding VATto Germany.  Can anyone help me with any non-resident importer requirementsthat I should be concerned with?