Questions and answers about INCOTERMS


    QUESTION: Does anyone ship low value samples internationally using Incoterms DDP? Our Customers would like samples delivered to their door duty paid. If yes, do you use a courier or third party to carry out the transaction? Does anyone screen low value, low risk samples exported to non-sanctioned destinations? ************* Answers: More details are needed […]

  • Incoterms

    QUESTION: INCOTERMS are mainly used for international trade, therefore is it wrong to apply them for European transactions?. My company has domestic trade, European operations and with other countries out of Europe. Should we use a different formula for each one, in order to define how the transport will be done and who will held […]

  • GRWR SAP Configuration and Incoterms

    QUESTION: We are trying to better understand the GRWR SAP Percentages and why they vary by Incoterm. These are set up for our Intercompany Stock Transport Orders Only and affect the Export Declaration Value.  They are set up by Purchasing Org. Can someone please help me understand? ==================== ANSWERS: Makes no sense at all what […]

  • EXW Terms

    QUESTION: According to the Incoterms 2010 book (published by the International Chamber of Commerce) neither the buyer nor the seller holds any obligation to make the contract of carriage under EXW terms. This seems odd to me as I would expect it to be the responsibility of the buyer to arrange and pay for freight […]


    QUESTION: Am seeing shipping personnel in our company use the following Incoterms interchangeably for domestic shipments where the customer requests we move the freight to them. It seems to me that that FCA should not be used as the seller would not be responsible for paying the cost of carriage to bring the goods to […]


    QUESTION: We buy products from US suppliers but the goods are actually DDP shipments from overseas. What security measures we should take, from CTPAT prospective, we should take with these suppliers? Are we as a consignee, not the IOR, responsible for validating the overseas suppliers that we don’t know about? ========== Answers: Interesting questions and […]


    QUESTION: We recently received a memo from USFIA(US Fashion Industry Association) about A recent settlement in a False Claims Act case raises questions about the responsibilities of a DDP purchaser vis-à-vis the DDP seller’s compliance with the customs laws. Member companies who purchased on DDP terms should examine their processes in light of this settlement. […]


    QUESTION: Regarding an Ocean Bill of Lading, when the incoterms are EXW and a US agent is coordinating the export on behalf of the foreign buyer, who should be in the Shipper/Exporter box on the BoL?  I have found a recent shipment listing us, the manufacturer/seller, as the Shipper/Exporter, however we are only preparing the […]


    QUESTION: I’d like feedback from the membership on how you are handling Incoterms and risk of loss. The new revenue recognition standard under GAAP has caused our Legal and Finance teams to get involved in Incoterms more than before. We use Incoterms for all shipments (domestic and international). The primary issue today is that we […]


    QUESTION: We sell and ship under CIF Incoterms® to a customer in the Bahamas. Our invoice has the price of the goods and a line item price for freight.   The customer has asked us to change terms to EXW instead because they have to pay duty on the CIF value. They claim that if […]


    QUESTION: Question: For customs clearance, should A put FOB cost or selling price (DDP) on the commercial invoice? A: Seller in US (IOR) B: Vendor in China C: Buyer in US   Terms of sale between A and B are FOB China shipping port. Terms of sale between A and C are DDP. A asks […]


    QUESTION: My concern of using DDP shipments for US Export is that the USPPI now becomes the IOR in the foreign destination and is responsible for clearance. This creates risk for the USPPI from a compliance perspective because this would require a Foreign Power of Attorney (FPOA) to a broker in the foreign destination to […]