
Questions and answers about India

  • Downloading app on phone in India

    Question: We are a US based retailer with developers located in India who need to download an app onto company owned mobile devices in order to conduct bug fixes and other maintenance work on the app.  The app download would come from the US, not from the India Google store, based on operational limitations.  The […]

  • India CAS and IUPAC Disclosure Requirements

    Question: With the looming deadline to report CAS #’s and IUPAC on customs entries, I am wondering how others are approaching the new requirement. Our company does not act as importer of record. We sell to customers out of a FTZ and the customer in India clears the goods with customs. Under the new CAS […]

  • India Imports Reporting CAS Number & IUPAC

    Question: Dear Members: I was alerted today of an India Customs requirement (Customs Circular No 15/2023).  The requirement is that the import invoice must show the CAS number and the IUPAC ((Intl Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) of the constituent chemicals, for imports under chapter 28, 29,38 and 39. I can’t find much information […]

  • BIS: 7328:2020 Certification

    QUESTION: There has only been one question asked of this new India Certification Standard through ICPA. Not much information that I have found doing my own searches. Would anyone else happen to know where someone can find information on this new standard? =========== Answer: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification is mandatory for certain […]

  • Reserve Bank of India

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: Indian supplier was billing us two separate invoices: one for product (FOB origin) , and separate one for prepaid freight (easier for our archaic payables system). Vendor is now telling us they cannot bill the freight separately, and must bill it as a “D” term sale( one invoice […]

  • INDIA STANDARDS 7328:2020

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: Has anyone heard anything on what exactly this is? The BIS announces but does not express detailed data. India’s Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has imposed new mandatory standards on polyethylene (PE) for producers to comply with. The new requirements have labelled under Indian standard IS 7328:2020, titled Specification […]


    QUESTION: I have a customer in India. We sent product for which they paid proper duty. We have discovered an issue with the material we sent and need to send them a no charge warranty replacement. The customer is stating that they will have to pay duties again on the replacement material but I suspect […]

  • Shipment to India

    QUESTION: We are sending resin to a mold supplier in India so they can test the molds. This resin is just for testing purposes and would have no commercial value. Would it still need to pay duties when imported in India?  Are there any other charges that it would be subject to when clearing customs […]


    QUESTION: We are U.S. based corporation with a wholly owned subsidiary in India.  That location is seeking to enter into an agreement with an India based consultant; wherein the location would buy India import duty credit scrips from the consultant at a discounted rate.  The consultant would also receive a commission rate for the sale. […]


    QUESTION: Is anyone aware of the termination of India eligibility from GSP? Does it apply to all products imported from India? We are importing backpack which supposed to be duty free under the GSP. If India is terminate, which mean it will have to pay regular duty? Please help to give us some input on […]

  • Duty Drawback in India?

    QUESTION: 1) Does anyone know if Indian Customs has a duty drawback program? 2) Does it work? 3) How long does it take to get the refunded duty? 4) Is duty drawback common practice? Thanks for your help. ************** Answers: I don’t believe they have a drawback program, but they do have a program similar […]