Question: Does anyone have any feedback on ISA if a company is C-TPAT certified and has recently gone through a Focus Assessment? Is there a lot more work involved in applying for ISA? ===========
Question: Does anyone have any feedback on ISA if a company is C-TPAT certified and has recently gone through a Focus Assessment? Is there a lot more work involved in applying for ISA? ===========
Question: I’d like to ask the membership on sharing any disadvantages of participating in the ISA program? What, if any obstacles? ==============
QUESTION: Does anyone know how many importers are C-TPAT members? How manyparticipate in ISA?
Question: We are a large retail organization that is looking to benchmark/get feedback from ISA certified members about what to expect with the initial Importer Self Assessment interview.
Question:I was asked recently about getting into ISA and for an ISA application process, map and outline. Can anyone share any wisdom here? *******************************************************************Answers:First, is your company C-TPAT certified, and is it a resident importer with two years of importing history? If not, those are your first steps. Next, consider the following as a type […]
Question: Can the membership comment on the benefits of being in the ISA program? My company is already a C-TPAT Tier II importer.
Question: I am wanting to get feedback from the ISA certified members. We have been in the ISA program since July 2004. One of our participation requirements is to conduct a monthly audit of a certain number of our import transactions. In addition, we also audit all of the PO’s from a factory that […]
I was asked recently about getting into ISA and for an ISA applicationprocess, map and outline. Can anyone share any wisdom here? As pointed out, the first step is that you must be C-TPAT approved. After that, the process map and outline are really your own. I haveattached a series of PPT from a recent […]
I was asked recently about getting into ISA and for an ISA applicationprocess, map and outline. Can anyone share any wisdom here? Answer: As pointed out, the first step is that you must be C-TPAT approved. After that, the process map and outline are really your own. I haveattached a series of PPT from a […]
Question: We’ve been diligently working towards applying for ISA in the next severalmonths. Bad timing, but we’ve received the call from CBP advising we’vebeen selected for an FA, formally set to commence in January. Wementioned to CBP our intention to apply for ISA, and mentioned that we’dlike to apply for ISA in place of the […]
Question:Do any of the members have any knowledge about trade programs such as ISA or AEO in China? If not, does anyone know what the future may hold?
Question: We have been going thru the ISA questionnaire and I wanted to ask the membership how they are answering question 6 concerning their internal controls process as defined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants? “6. Are your CBP internal control processes consistent with the five interrelated components of internal control as defined […]