Question:Quick questions to those member using ISA, are you finding it to be a big benefit?  Any benefit?  How must time do you estimate your yearly testing takes, and what testing do you do? Have you heard rumors that having an Account Manager at Customs, might be tied to being an ISA importer?

  • I-3 AUDITS

    Question: A friend mentiond to me something called i3 audits that are happening to ISA participants. It’s not a QRA. Anyone know what up with this?  


    Question:   Can anyone that is a current ISA participant, please advise what was discussed during your ARM.  How it was presented and how long did your meetings go.  What CBP discussed.  My company’s has a tentative ARM date of April 23,24, 2009 but yet to receive an agenda. Any help would be greatly appreciated […]

  • ISA Presentation for CBP

    Question:Our company is looking to put a presentation together for CBP for ISA.  Would anyone in the membership be willing to share such a presentation or the topics discussed in such a presentation when applying for ISA?

  • ISA Q&A 1

    My company has 3 divisions; differenct IOR suffixes and VERY different commodities and supply chains. We all applied to ISA under seperate MOU’s. 2 of us have been approved, one remains. It is now being suggested that we sign ONE MOU and file one report for all 3 divisions. The problem is, the last division […]

  • ISA Q&A 2

    Our company is wondering whether or not other companies used a consultant to assist them is applying for the ISA program? Would you recommend this over doing it yourself?

  • ISA Q&A 3

    Our company is preparing for ISA but we have had a lot of SIL’s due to short/longs and revised invoices. We worry that this could be an issue during our ISA application. Would you ask the group which program they would recommend and why?

  • ISA Q&A 4

    My company recently received written notification that we have been selected for a Focused Assessment in FY04. We have well documented import procedures, we use the reconciliation program, we are thoughtful about classifying our products, and we have a reasonably good system for identifying post-entry discrepancies and reporting them to customs. We also recognize that […]

  • ISA Q&A 5

    Recently we had a meeting to discuss the ISA program with Customs. Just wondering what others take on this was? Good deal? Waste of time? Not an option? Any thoughts and/or comments from other companies would be beneficial in our discussion as to whether or not to participate.

  • ISA Q&A 6

    Are there any other members currently related to Semiconductor and/or Telecommunications industry undergoing or plan on participating in the Importers Self Assessment (ISA) or the Focused Assessment (FA Programs)? If so, do you have any tips (i.e. do’s and don’ts) for filling out the questionnaire?

  • ISA Q&A 7

    I am paying my first visit to our Customs account manager tomorrow. Can anyone share their experiences, what I should expect, minefields, etc.?

  • ISA Q&A 8

    Has anyone actually begun the ISA process? Have you run into any unseen “snags”?