


    Question: Company A ships US and non US origin parts to company B (shelter company in Mexico that operates a Maquila) Maquila does not pay VAT on the parts imported into Mexico. Goods are assembled into a “substantially new and different article of commerce” Goods are Exported from the Shelter Co. (Maquila) Some are duty […]


    Question: What are the data elements required on the invoice for items produced in a maquiladoras (import and export)? Is the description of the goods needed in both English and Spanish? Is there a legal document available that someone will be willing to share? ************ Add’l Answer: Are You asking about US Invoices? or MX […]


    Question: We have an MLA in place at our maquila in Mexico. When they make ITAR parts at that location and ship them to a US customer, is a DDTC license needed for those parts if the end user is in the US? ************** ANSWER: Your MLA should mention this and provide for the return […]

  • MAQUILA SHIPPING TO THE U.S. addt’l answers

    Question: One of our customers purchase products from a vendor in Mexico which is a Maquiladora. They use a 3rd party for distribution in the U.S. They have asked for direct shipments to their location but they have been advised that it cannot be done due to Maquiladora rules. Can anyone advise on this please. […]


    Question: One of our customers purchase products from a vendor in Mexico which is a Maquiladora. They use a 3rd party for distribution in the U.S. They have asked for direct shipments to their location but they have been advised that it cannot be done due to Maquiladora rules. Can anyone advise on this please. […]


      Question:   Can anyone tell me if you have had any experience with changing a maquila plant so that it’s parent or tax status goes through a European subsidiary ? Anything to watch out for? I have not heard of anyone else using this for tax or duty reduction. Any info would be appreciated.  […]


    Question: I have recently be given the responsibility of managing US exports to Mexican Maquila operations and the return US imports. Have not been able to find specific information on how the Maquila work today. One problem is how important are the generic descriptions to Mexican Customs. They seem to be very specific generic requirements. […]

  • Maquiladora Q&A 1

    Our facility in Mexico is considering will be changing its status to a Maquiladora. They will be receiving our glass on consignment and shipping back to us finished product. They will provide invoices for Customs declaration that will reflect a standard cost for the goods, which will include the standard cost of production, materials and […]

  • Maquiladora Q&A 2

    We have an issue with Korean Customs regarding country of origin markings out of our maquiladora operation in Mexico. Currently, we use the “Assembled in Mexico” marking and this seems to be acceptable worldwide. However, Korean Customs is NOT accepting this mark, stating that their senior citizen population cannot comprehend this type of marking and […]

  • Maquiladora Q&A 4

    Does anyone have experience with a MX Maquila producing goods for multiple legal entities and business units? Re: U.S. reconciliation, do you import using multiple importer of records, or does one legal entity (IOR) import for all? We would like to find the most streamlined way to handle activity, and am interested in hearing about […]