QUESTION: Does anyone know how to qualify a product for the Mexico/European Union Free Trade Agreement?  Are there rules of origin for this FTA? If so, where are they located?  Is there a website? Is there a required form to use? Any information that can be provided is appreciated. =========== Answers: 1. Yes 2. Findrulesoforigin.org […]

  • Mexico – Diario – Firma Autografa

    QUESTION: I would like to ask the membership if anyone else is being asked for original signatures on mill test certificates to import steel into Mexico.  This is something that is done every day by our company but one broker for one customer has recently started to refuse to clear shipments without an original signature […]


    QUESTION: We have a supplier in Canada, and we want them to ship directly to our maquiladora facility in Mexico, through the U.S.  Almost all the goods are USMCA eligible and it is 1-2 shipments per week.  We have not shipped “in bond” to date.  Is that a complex process?  I understand a specific bond […]


    QUESTION: If you don’t have the IMMEX program ready, still in process, can you import product under an ATA Carnet and then transfer the equipment into the IMMEX program   My understanding is yes we can, Mexican customs will sign off the Carnet and then will be registered under the Immex program ========== Answer: Using […]

  • Importing Shipment into MX Bonded Warehouse

    QUESTION: My company is thinking about importing consumer goods into MX from China. Here is the scenario. 1. Consumer goods will ship from CN to MX 2. Goods will be placed in a bonded warehouse until an order is received 3. Order will be shipped from MX warehouse to a US consumer 4. The shipments to […]


    QUESTION: Our US based parent company (Company A) has a location in Mexico (Company B). We (Company C) have been using Company B to act as the importer of record on our behalf. When a MX customer places an order to Company C, Company B will issue a PO to Company C, clear it through […]

  • Imports from Mexico

    QUESTION: When using a shelter company in Mexico to manufacture and ship to the United States, how should the goods be marked?  The product inside is marked, but not necessarily packaged in a way that it can be “readily opened” for inspection.  This means we must mark the carton exterior, correct? We have two scenarios.  […]

  • New MX Carte Porte requirement

    QUESTION: We are working to understand this new MX Tax requirement called the Carte Porte / Freight Letter. Evidently this is a letter/document that is required when transporting any goods on roads in Mexico.  It is a Tax (SAT) requirement that applies to domestic moves as well as international moves (export and import). We understand […]

  • Imports into MX

    QUESTION: Can anyone advise if an importer in MX needs any special permits or approvals to import food grade salt into Mx? I checked the SIAVI site – http://www.economia-snci.gob.mx/ – but it seems to be down.  This usually has import restriction info in the “Arancales y Normitivadad” section.  Unfortunately, our expeditious customs broker is slow to respond. […]


    QUESTION: MEXICO has a  Carta Porte program (SAT).   I haven’t seen much about this but know that it goes into effect January 1st.  I note that you must provide the Mexican HTS number on the bill of lading going into Mexico. Does anyone know of how to obtain the Mexican Tariff in English? Is his […]


    QUESTION: I’ve been asked to create a Pros/Cons list of having a US Compliance analyst position based in Mexico.  I would like to hear from others what they would list. ************* Answers: Your request is pretty vague and you don’t give any details about your MX business and why you, or someone, would think it […]


    QUESTION: My MX Customs Broker advised me that our MX import entity needed a Manifestacione de Valor (MdV) for every shipment from every vendor for every MX customs broker (Patente).  I was told that a signed original had to be given to the MX Customs Broker. They did say I could prepare blanket MdV for […]