QUESTION: Does Mexico have any kind of activity reports?  Something at least kinda like ACE? ************** Answers: Yes. It’s call GLOSA. Your regional controller or signatory can apply for access to this. ************ SOISA reports ************* Not exactly like ACE, but you can  ask your Mexican  Broker to  get a GLOSA report, from SAT, which […]


    QUESTION: Does anyone have best practices to share when looking to setup IOR/brokerage in Mexico for minimal volume of import %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: In my experience you would do best to find a Mexican Customs broker that has freight forwarding facilities on the US side of the border. This is important so that you have a […]


    QUESTION: Does someone have a list of the different types of pedimento (BA, BM, F5, etc) and what each is used for? %%%%%%%%%% ANSWER: Try this.  See pages 41 to 58 https://www.icpainc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/CompiladodelAnexo22delasRGCE2020ala6taRMRGCEpara2020DOF01-06-21.pdf


    QUESTION: We are begging to work with a Maquiladora shelter company that will also act as out customs broker in Mexico and also act as our forwarder as well. They will be also creating northbound commercial invoices. Does anyone have an SOP they can share if you are involved in this type of process or […]

  • MX temporary imports

    QUESTION: My new company imports everything into Mexico on a temporary basis as a way of deferring costs. After six months, we convert everything to permanent and pay duties/taxes. Other than paying later, is there any other financial reason to do this?  We pay the same money either way, right? I feel like doing everything on […]


    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: We have been asked to assist our Mexico operations in a temporary import process for an item that will be used short-term and returned to the US. We’re wondering if the membership has any experience with this and the letter required by the Mexican government, from the exporter? […]


    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: We are new to handling shipments to Mexico.  The structure of the sale is ship to /sold to shows as the customer in Mexico, but the terms are FCA the US warehouse.The customer nominates a carrier and we ship the material with all charges billing to the customer. […]

  • Delays importing into Mexico

    QUESTION: We export to Mexico through Laredo, TX. and up until recently experienced clearance turnaround times of 24-48 hours. We’re now experiencing up to 5 days to clear a shipment. Our broker advised that the delay is due to the Mexican tariffs and trouble with the Mexico Customs systems. Is anyone else experiencing longer clearance […]

  • Notice of Irregularity from MX Customs

    QUESTION: We received a “Notice of Irregularity” from Mexican Customs earlier this month.  The agent reviewed some merchandise and concluded that the classification we assigned is not correct.  They proposed a different HS Code.  Duty rate is the same so no revenue impact. This appears to be similar to a US Customs CF29.  We were […]

  • Mexico Import Documentation Requirements

    QUESTION: My company is a wholesaler of finished goods and routinely exports previously imported goods from other countries (CN, LK, GR, MX) to customers in Mexico.  We were recently contacted by a freight forwarder hired by one of our customers in Mexico to manage a routed export to Mexico. The freight forwarder advised Mexico updated […]

  • MX maquila, value declarations

    QUESTION: We have over 20,000 pedimento line items imported annually into MX, and we are a maquila. We just did an audit and found that 2.2%, about 200 records are incorrect because of pricing or short shipments. Is this an acceptable failure rate in the eyes of MX customs regarding value declarations?  Or, do we […]


    QUESTION: We are considering to source from Mexico.  Our MX vendors recommend on DDP Laredo. Currently we are a self-filer.  But buying DDP from MX, we lost control over the entry.  What do you recommend we should do.  Is DDP a best practice in terms of dealing with MX importation. %%%%%%%%%% ANSWER: I do not […]