QUESTION: Scenario- My US company purchases all material from our related EU company, then we sell to a MX customer (not related) . The material we purchase from EU company to fulfill our PO with MX customer, will be shipped directly from EU to MX. The material once imported into MX will be processed down […]

  • New Mexico Tariffs

    QUESTION: Does anyone know, for the new tariffs effective June 10 out of Mexico. Is that based on the country of origin MX or for all export shipments out of MX. They did not clarify that part. %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: As of now, the Mexico tariffs have been suspended “indefinitely”. %%%%%%%%%% These tariffs have been indefinitely […]

  • MX Tariff & 9803

    QUESTION: Any idea if the proposed MX tariff will be assessed on instruments of international traffic, 9803.00.50? ========== As items under this HTS are to be products of the U.S., or previously imported, no they would not be assessed a tariff. You will note they are currently impacted by the CN tariffs either. =========== Generally […]

  • Mexico Tariffs

    QUESTION: Does anyone have any insight into the Mexico tariffs and whether duty drawback can be utilized to recoup the paid tariff? What about foreign trade zones and bonded warehouses? Are they going to have to be treated as “privileged” status goods or can the lower tariff (hoping that these tariffs will eventually be repealed) […]

  • New MX tariff

    QUESTION: I bring a lot of NAFTA-qualified goods from MX to the US. Will this new 5% tariff even be on NAFTA goods? %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: Yes %%%%%%%%%% Yes – because this is not a trade related tariff, and therefore, even if the goods qualify for NAFTA and enter duty-free from the ad valorem rate, this […]


    QUESTION: 1. I read recent news that effective June 10, US will impose additional tariff on goods from Mexico. I want to get clarity if it’s based on Mexico origin products like how it was done with China trade war or any import shipment coming from Mexico? 2. We import a good from China that […]

  • Audit questions for IMMEX program

    QUESTION: I will be auditing my IMMEX facility in Mexico for the first time next month. What questions should I ask in addition to the risk assessment questions I ask at my U.S. locations? Looking specifically for IMMEX requirements related to inventory management, reporting, etc. ***************** Answers: Auditing Mexico IMMEX is not like a typical […]

  • Mexico Customs Clearance, Pedimento & PECA

    QUESTION: Not quite sure on how goods are imported into Mexico. Recently I had some medical devices that came into Mexico Airport. I am told that the Mexico Customs Broker took pictures of the freight as well as contents of the products and submitted documents and pictures as part of the entry. Does this sound […]

  • Min Value Requirement into Mexico

    QUESTION: Our customer in Mexico stated that a new regulation went into effect on Jan 1, 2019 and their government set certain minimum prices for import value to meet for each HTS. Further, they are saying that our prices are lower than the minimum price to meet. I requested a specific regulation for me to […]

  • Mexican Customs Clearance process flow

    QUESTION: We are new to buying in Mexico and the Mexican customs clearance is a bit confusing.  Can anyone in the membership provide me with a Mexican customs clearance process flow exporting from Mexico to the U.S.?  We need to understand what we may be dealing with and would like to be aware of different […]


    QUESTION: We export free of charge items to Mexico in the form of samples, catalogs, literature, evaluation items.  We have been having a terrible time getting stuff through MX Customs without any delay.   We want to set up a process by which these goods are shipped DDP using one of our (Big 3) preferred […]


    QUESTION: Has anyone in the group heard that Mexico assesses a lower duty for goods shipped to Cancun? Our customer is telling us that based on advice from a forwarder, that bath towels that are normally assessed at 25% would only be assessed at 5% if imported into Cancun as long as they remain in […]