

  • LIC EXP TMP UNDER 740.9(b)

    QUESTION: A bit less than one year ago, we imported a laser, with ECCN 6A005.b.6.b.2, for use in our manufacturing equipment. The laser has since been found to be defective and we will be re-exporting it to the original supplier, whose location requires a license according to the country chart.  It has not been advanced […]


    QUESTION: ITAR 124.10 states that a DSP-83 is required for *ANY* any TAA involving SME.  The newly revised agreement guidelines P 15 says:   “If the agreement involves the transfer of classified technical data or *technical data for the manufacture of SME abroad*, state whether a Non-transfer and Use Certificate (Form DSP-83), is/is not attached in […]

  • Routed transaction

    QUESTION: We sell to a customer in Hong Kong, who has us drop ship to his client directly in another country.  Our client’s customer wants us to use his own forwarder.  So, in effect, it is s routed transaction but it is being routed by our client’s customer. Do we need to follow the normal […]

  • Payment Procedures For Imported Goods

    QUESTION: I am interested to know how and when ICPA members pay for imported goods. What document serves as the proof of delivery, forwarder’s cargo receipt, bill of lading, seaway bill ??? When do members pay for imported goods, receipt, or delivery point ? Do ICPA members have standard payment terms or do they vary […]

  • DSP-73 processing

    QUESTION: How are DSP-73s currently handled upon utilization at the time of export from/import to the US?  Way back when you had to print out the license and have the forwarder/broker physically present it to CBP for signing, so there was always that “original” to maintain.  And then you had to mail that original with […]

  • Customs Trade Open Bills

    QUESTION: Wondering if anyone knows why customs would send two separate Bill Numbers for the same entry number?  Amount due is very similar.  The first invoice/bill number has already been paid but a second invoice with a different bill number for the same entry is received a month later for the same amount +/- $1.00. =========== Answers: Is […]


    QUESTION: Russian railways have been sanctioned following the invasion of Ukraine. Some freight forwarders have stopped rail service between Europe and Asia that goes through Russia. However, some freight forwarders based in the US and Europe, are still providing service, how can this be if there are sanctions on Russian raillways? ========== Answer: One possibility […]


    QUESTION: Does a shipper continue to hold ownership over the cargo once the bill of lading is surrendered either by submission to the ship line by the consignee or through telex? Can a telex release ever be reversed? Has anyone run into a situation where the telex release was reversed or the shipper was able […]


    QUESTION: How does the trade address the issue on entries if there are two manufacturers that produce the same MID code? By example, the ACE report displays a name of the manufacturer that does not belong to our company, but the MID would be the same as if it were the right manufacturer. I have […]


    QUESTION: Can anyone advise me if my product is applicable to a cotton fee?  The HTS is 5911.90.0080 and it is a insulating plate for an air compressor. *************** Answers: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/08/26/2021-18322/cotton-board-rules-and-regulations-adjusting-supplemental-assessment-on-imports-2020-amendments Looks like you do.  I’m assuming your product classification has been vetted and meets the requirements in Section XI section notes and Chapter 59 […]

  • 600 series RPL reporting

    QUESTION: EAR 740.10(c)(2) talks about an annual/semi annual report to BIS for exports of 600 series items exported using RPL.  But I find no mention of 600 series items in 743.4, which is where it points to.   What gives?  Is some sort of report due to BIS for 600 series/RPL usage or not? ========== […]

  • Personal Shipment of Wood Kit House

    QUESTION: Would appreciate your guidance on the following:   Background:  Our client, an American citizen,  is an individual who will be sending his wood kit home from Italy to New York.    Overview: The individual and his wife purchased a wooden kit house from a company in China in September 2018.  They worked with the […]