


    QUESTION: I am working to get my company convinced to move forward with ACH payment to CBP but there are questions about Debit  vs Credit payments . I am interested in to hear if anyone is using the Credit method and if so what are the pros and cons of that?   I have received a […]


    QUESTION: We have a device that gets mounted to a product.  Our device records activity of the product.  The resulting data that our device generates then gets sold to the owner of the product. We have no way of knowing if the product ever enters Iran, North Korea, etc….. but if the product were to […]

  • Department Tagline or Slogan

    QUESTION: With the increased stress levels we are all currently experiencing in our trade we are looking to lighten up the mood a little bit.  What would be a fun slogan or motto for an international trade department? ========================================================= Answers: I like the question!  “Trade Geeks”?  In my company Legal, Tax and Compliance were grouped […]


    QUESTION: Need your help!  Does anyone have an Extensive International Repair/Return program, that I could benchmark with you on? Please feel free to reach out to me directly : JLeafer@its.jnj.com We are moving our Repair depot to Mexico, however;  the contract that was negotiated (without TC) would be for monthly Billing. This will not work […]


    QUESTION: Is the membership aware of a reputable live document (maintained by counsel, or someone with knowledge) that details US Sanctions by country/geography vs. targeted sanctions? I am unable to find documents that clearly detail this, and we all know the OFAC sanctions programs and country information is an eyesore. ************** Answers: As complicated the […]


    QUESTION: Company A in the USA wants to ship some free samples of product their customer, Company B in Italy. Company A sources this product from Company C in China. Company A wants to drop ship this product directly from Company C in China to Company B in Italy. Company B will be the IOR […]

  • Accelerated Liquidation

    QUESTION: When filing a PSC, can anyone request an Accelerated Liquidation or are there requirements?  Are there any drawbacks to doing so?  In other words, if seeking a refund, why doesn’t everyone request it, thus making it a given and turning the option into not wanting Liquidation moved up. =============================================================== Answer: Accelerated liquidation can be […]


    QUESTION: We have a customer who has created their own software for internal use for their equipment. They purchase from us servers to which we download the software on the server, pack it up and ship it to them across the world.The software is not listed any where on the CI because it isn’t sold […]

  • Drop Shipments

    QUESTION: I would like to ask the membership whether anyone in the US drops ships products directly from factories in Asia to a Customer in another country (not US)?  If so, do you have any lessons learned or SOP’s that can be shared? ========================================== Answers: Make sure the correct invoice is used to make entry […]

  • Availability of concordance tables for EU or SG tariff

    QUESTION: I would like to ask the membership if anyone knows if the legislative bodies of the EU and SG have issued concordance tables, in an Excel format, for the comparison of 2021 versus 2022 tariff. ============ Answers: Yes for the EU, no for SG. The latter will anyway not change over to HS 2022 […]

  • Dual sourced product

    QUESTION: Does anyone have dual-sourced products that reside under one SKU or item number in their ERP system? (Company has already said no to creating separate SKU numbers for same product with the two countries of origin.) Questioning whether or not to list a dual-sourced SKU number on an annual, blanket USMCA, for shipments exporting […]


    QUESTION: There’s been quite a few Q&As on Freight Deductions and the declared value.  It’s our understanding we can deduct freight charges only when we have evidence of the actual freight charges and the shipper has invoiced for freight as part of the product cost or by a separate line item. In each of these […]