


    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: We engage a third party service provider to support our FTA work.  We have provided them our e-signatures along with  a letter approving their use.  We have granted the third party POA as well. We send them all our data, they complete the analysis, create the cert and […]

  • End Use Certificate

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: We are getting some push back on the requirement for an End Use Certificate from some of our sales team and distributors.  Could someone please share with me what your process/requirements are for an End Use Certificate prior to a sale?  Who is required to provide an End […]

  • Price change after Import

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: My company acts as an agent for a company in The Netherlands.  We only act as the importer or record and help with coordination of the delivery upon arrival in the US.  The delivery terms are DDP and the purchase and subsequent invoicing are between the US customer […]

  • What if Parent Company is Listed as a Military End User

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: Are you treating subsidiaries of military end users the same as a military end user? The parent of one of our potential suppliers is listed on the BIS Entity list due to allegedly being involved in military activities. Our PO with them would not be with the parent. […]

  • Chemical Compounds / Drugs – General Naming Configuration

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: I am working with a client who imports and exports clinical supplies (to include chemical compounds and drugs) for pharma and biotech clinical trials  into and out of the US. We are building a materials database and are including in it a column for “Invoice Description.” With the […]

  • E-commerce screening,,

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: Our company sells some of our products via an internet marketplace.  Curious on how your organization handles screening in your system with no detailed information of consignee/end-user name and address.  Do you rely on distributor/marketplace  ‘word’ that they do their due-diligence in screening all customers and buyers?  In […]

  • R&D Activity

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: We have a manufacturing operation in the US and have some small quantities of precious metals/parts that each have a country of origin other than the US.  Our R&D group would like to export these rather high value items free of charge to our parent company in Japan […]


    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: Has anyone had a refund check deliver that was too damaged to deposit? We had a check that must have gotten stuck in a post office machine and arrived missing half of the check and stub. I know we will need to request a replacement.What is the best […]

  • Strategies when buying direct from a manufacturer similar to “first sale”

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: My company is looking to employ first sale customs valuation in scenarios where we purchase items from a Chinese distributor. Now that I have presented this option, I am being asked if similar strategies can be employed when purchasing direct from Chinese manufacturers. Most of these purchases are consigned, […]

  • Substantial transformation

    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: Sending products/items to  3 PLM facility in EU, there the facility will pick and pack creating a kit for export. 90 % of the items are made in the USA and 10 % of Asian origin since the 3PLM facility will pick and pack all the item and […]

  • COO of non substantially transformed goods

    QUESTION: How are other companies marking their commercial invoices for imports to the US from Mexico to communicate COO for Section 301 purposes when general COO = MX but Section 301 = CN? ============ Answer: The Energizer case already has the answer.  Distilled, however, it’s a China origin with regards to Section 301, but it’s […]

  • Drop-Drop ship into Canada

    QUESTION: We are a US company(A).  Our supplier is a Chinese company(B).  Our customer is a US company (C).  The end customer(C’s customer) is in Canada. (D). Sales would like to ship directly from our Chinese supplier(B)  to our customer’s customer(D) who is located in Canada.  The plan is to bring the goods from China […]