

  • Russia Parallel Import List

    QUESTION: Does anyone in the membership have an English language copy they can share of the list of products approved for parallel import which was published by the Russian Ministry of Industry on May 6, 2022? %%%%%%%%%% ANSWER: The document contains 25 pages with over 50 groups of commodities included in that list. The Ministry […]

  • Russian Sanctions

    QUESTION: Does any know where to find all current US sanctions against Russia?  Question is being raised by our sales if our EU distribution can still sell to a new customer there. %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: The simplicity of your question suggests you may not be aware of the complexity of the answer. There are financial sanctions and […]

  • Filing letter of intent for actual use

    QUESTION: 19 CFR 10.134 (Declaration of Intent) states, in part, that a showing of intent by the importer as to the actual use of imported merchandise shall be made by filing with the entry a declaration as to the intended use of the merchandise.  How would such a declaration of intent be “filed with the […]


    QUESTION: Is anyone willing to share if you have successfully obtained consumption and excise taxes exemption in Italy for your products? Or your struggle on obtaining one? **************** Answer: Any VAT exemption would be contingent on the type of product you are selling and also if your company is established in Italy or another EU country. […]


    QUESTION: A current supplier of ours has seen recently on a manifest data site that our company is buying from their competitor which is not the case.  The manifest data shows the supplier (which we have not purchased from in over 3 years) shipping the goods to our Canadian location through the port Tacoma. Needless […]


    QUESTION: We have a new inquiry from a potential new customer in Venezuela.  I screened them and nothing comes up on the denied parties list or online. The company name begins with a generic name “Comercializadora….” Which means “marketer”. I believe “Comercializadora” means they import for a bunch of different companies/end users.   Many government entities […]


    QUESTION: Any guidance on the below?  We just received this message when trying to upload the documents to Cargo X. We have been using Cargo X without issues. Companies located geographically in Egypt will not be allowed to send any documents or data via CargoX\NAFEZA platform ========== Answers: I always had to provide physical documents […]

  • Sharing a courier account # with a vendor

    QUESTION: We ship from our vendor locations to selected destinations.  Currently, our logistics team is not permitted to share the courier account number with the vendor site for obvious reasons: it can be abused by the vendor,  abused by one of our employees or abused by an employee of the vendor. Right now our logistics team […]


    QUESTION: I see that CBP is issuing letters to importers that potentially have forced labor within their supply chains. Are these physical letters being mailed to the address on file or will they be emailed or sent via ACE to importers? *************** Answers: They will be mailed via USPS to the address on file, not […]

  • Intermediate Consignee

    QUESTION: Scenario: Company A as USA manufacturer exports ECCN 2B201 5-Axis CNC machine centers. Machines are sent to Company B their Freight Forwarder in Miami who arranges and loads the machines onto the vessels (sea or air) for export to Ultimate Consignee/end user in country “x.” Company B works with a forwarding agent/notify party in […]

  • API under pending BLA

    QUESTION: Under 21 CFR section 201.122 (c), import of an API (drug substance) for further manufacturing/use in a drug (commercial/human use) is permissible under a pending or near approval of an FDA application (BLA in this instance) so long as affirmation that the API will not be exported and that the products manufactured with the […]


    QUESTION: I received an email from a buyer who made arrangements for the vendor to prepay and add freight for a shipment to our Canadian entity. The vendor sold them on the idea that prepay and add is DDP.  I did not think that was correct and an email from the courier asking for our […]