Do any members request a Manufacturers Affidavits or a Certificate of Origin from their suppliers vs. a NAFTA certificate to satisfy NAFTA origin claims requirement? Which do you find is better and why? We find it quite labor intensive to request NAFTA certs from some suppliers because we have to go back to them multiple […]

  • Customer addresses and NAFTA

    Question: Can I ask how other members deal with Customer addresses for NAFTA? We implemented a form this year that we are requiring whenever a customerrequests a NAFTA Certificate.  In the form, we require that the Salesperson orCustomer Service person provide the Sold To and Ship To names and addressesfor the customer which we then […]

  • NAFTA Cert and Exporter in Block 1

    Question:  This is a NAFTA question regarding the “exporter” in field #1 on the NAFTA certificate.  My company is a U.S. manufacturer of goods with a factory in Michigan.  We sell these goods both domestically and to customers in the other NAFTA countries under the following scenarios: 1 — We produce goods and sell them […]

  • US Distributor and Completing NAFTA Cert

    Question: Just one scenario – -I am a US distributor of goods made by other companies from all three NAFTAcountries.  I have NAFTA certificates from each producer. My customers are US-based and my sales are to US addresses only.No exporting is done by me the distributor.My sales orders always include goods from multiple NAFTA producers. […]


    Question: I was curious if it was allowed to declare NAFTA origin products that arereworked as NAFTA eligible? e.g. product manufactured in Mexico shipped to the US for consumption…defects discovered and returned to Mexico for rework.  The material will berepaired and returned to the US for a second time…


    Question: Can someone in the membership please explain how the date range iscalculated in Field 9 in the NAFTA form (i.e. “…if the RVC iscalculated over a period of time, further identify the beginning and ending dates(DD/MM/YYYY) of that period…”)?  Thanks.


    Question: Just one scenario – – I am a US distributor of goods made by other companies from all three NAFTA countries.   I have NAFTA certificates from each producer. My customers are US-based and my sales are to US addresses only. No exporting is done by me the distributor. My sales orders always include goods […]

  • NAFTA C/O Rules of Origin

    Question: So, if the rules of origin for NAFTA between the U.S., Canada and Mexicoare the same (supposedly) then how do you explain the following? US Rule 6101.90  A change to subheading 6101.90 from any other chapter, exceptfrom headings 5106 through 5113, 5204 through 5212,  5307 through 5308 or 5310 through 5311, chapter 54, or […]

  • NAFTA Cert of Origin

    Question:I’ve got a NAFTA cert I need to de-construct.    I am not a NAFTA guy. We do get the occasional NAFTA cert or request.  I just had an interesting cert go by my desk.  I’d need to check some things before I decide how alarmed to get. >From the NAFTA cert, I am concerned […]


    Question:When a NAFTA certificate is provided by the supplier, does the Importer need to obtain further certification that there were no foreign imported materials used in the production of the materials or does the certificate suffice.  I’ve heard sometimes billings material have been requested.


    Question:Can someone clarify when claiming NAFTA or FTA is the certification from the foreign supplier enough to substantiate the claim or does the IOR have to provide the other information to substantiate the SPI in the event the entry was selected during a Customs audit?  Has customs issued any directives advising that it’s the importer’s  […]