• NAFTA Q&A 30

    I am dealing with a shipment going into Mexico from the U.S. I provided a NAFTA to them and they said they wanted me to change the HTS numbers. I explained in detail, that I would not change my numbers, that I stand by my classifications, stating that my classifications are correct based on my […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 31

    VALIDITY OF NAFTA CERTS; We have received several NAFTA certificates from one of our largest suppliers which is a distributor. The distributor simply passes along the NAFTA certificate that they received from the manufacturer and does not issue their own certificate directly to my company. I am concerned that in the event of a verification […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 32

    NAFTA INTO MEXICO: We are just starting a new NAFTA solicitation process and have formed a new NAFTA “team” to work on this. This team thinks it is necessary to request from our suppliers 3 tariff codes for each part – one for U.S., one for Canada, and one for Mexico – indicating all 10 […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 33

    QUESTION: Question #1: My company purchases a ‘cyanoacrylate adhesive’ for a company that manufactures under our label. I requested NAFTA certification for this adhesive and the supplier provided tariff 3506.99 (Adhesives, other) on their NAFTA certification. We purchase and sell the liquid adhesive in 1 oz bottles. I believe the more appropriate HS would be […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 34

    We have received several NAFTA certificates from one of our largest suppliers which is a distributor. The distributor simply passes along the NAFTA certificate that they received from the manufacturer and does not issue their own certificate directly to my company. I am concerned that in the event of a verification audit and we were […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 35

    Would anyone have a NAFTA certificate validation letter for suppliers they’d like to share? Normally on an individual basis I would respond or call each and every supplier to indicate the reason the certificate is not correct. I have numerous NAFTA certificates from my suppliers that are invalid and/or incorrect in every sense of the […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 36

    Field (5) of the NAFTA certificate requires a description of goods. Will CBP accept only the clients part # as a description.

  • NAFTA Q&A 37

    What is the best way to handle a request from a Canadian customer regarding the classification shown on a NAFTA Certificate for a product they are buying from you, when you disagree on the classification number? The items in question are valve caps and plugs -( some are stainless steel and others are brass.). As […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 38

    I am working on our NAFTA program and discovered several of our items have an odd raw material code. (Our bills of material all show the packaging for each item as well, but this other code was different than the package codes.) The code was for the process of sending our material to an outside […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 39

    According to CFR 102.19 NAFTA Preference Override Provision; the country of origin of such good is the last NAFTA country in which that good underwent production (other than minor processing), provided that a Certificate of Origin has been completed and signed for the good. Scenario: The essential characteristic of our good was produced and inherited […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 40

    According to CFR 102.19 NAFTA Preference Override Provision; the country of origin of such good is the last NAFTA country in which that good underwent production (other than minor processing), provided that a Certificate of Origin has been completed and signed for the good. Scenario: The essential characteristic of our good was produced and inherited […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 41

    As we all know NAFTA Cert prep can be a real pain. There are many websites out there to help us prepare the certs, but all of the sites do not allow us to save and fix errors after the fact. Has anyone solved this problem? I am currently using about five different sites and […]