• NAFTA Q&A 42

    I have a Mexican distributor who is insisting that I change a NAFTA COO HTS number on our product. I have told them that I will not change the number as I truly believe my classification is correct. I cited the GRI’s, Chapter notes, etc.., which show they are not correct, to no avail. Their […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 43

    I’m being asked to modify a NAFTA Certificate from three years ago. The party in MX claims it is due to mistakes to the original NAFTA Cert. However, with the exception of a hand written blanket date, the certificate appears fine. My company is in the US and the goods were shipped from our company […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 44

    QUESTION ON CO FOR NAFTA PREFERENCE: We are conducting a country of origin product on our entire product line. Two product that I need some assistance on are metal rolls cut to size (printing plates) and large rolls of ribbon cut to specific size to fit the machines my company makes. The metal is all […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 45

    A US manufacturer completes a NAFTA certificate confirming US origin for components that are shipped to a Mexican maquiladora. Some unused components are shipping back to the US from the maquiladora in the same condition as exported and 9801 is claimed. Under reasonable care, would the US manufacturer’s NAFTA certificate support the 9801 claim on […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 46

    We are going to import assemblies from MX to the US. As a part of the process, GN12 speaks about RVC calculations. Does anyone out there currently do this and if so do you have a process or work instruction you can provide me with how you do this to ensure compliance with NAFTA?

  • NAFTA Q&A 47

    If your vendor undergoes a name change mid-year, do you need to request a new NAFTA certificate or Certificate of Origin with the new name or will the blanket cert for the year with the old name still be valid?

  • NAFTA Q&A 48

    We have a factory in Mexico that is an extension of our US company (related party). The Mexico factory (maquiladora) uses our software for production purposes, as well as all other aspects of the business. Our import/export compliance group is located in our US factory. We control and administrate compliance. When our Mexico factory ships […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 49

    I’ve been giving quite a bit of thought to changing my current NAFTA practices with domestic customers. As of today, I provide a “NAFTA Qualifying Certification” to domestic customers with NAFTA information for items they purchase. The certification identifies which customer is obtaining the information. Other than keeping a copy of the certification provided, I […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 50

    I am with a maquiladora in Mexico that produces NAFTA eligible products. In a recent CF-28 we were asked to provide production records from the plant floor as part of the documentation to verify NAFTA eligibility for the product. For some of our production lines there is no hard copy of production records. All the […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 51

    For 2007, I have been assigned the task of revamping our ancient NAFTA program. We are a distributor, not a manufacturer, so it seems so complex to me. Our parts listing exceeds 30,000 parts. An excel spreadsheet is currently being utilized. We need a better way. I have never set up a NAFTA program before […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 52

    We have many separate U.S. Divisions that export to Canada and Mexico and claim NAFTA preference on certain finished goods. Does anyone know if there is a ruling or definition that states one division can utilize the De Minimis Rule and the other division can use the Regional Value Content? Or has anyone ever utilized […]

  • NAFTA Q&A 53

    We purchase tooling from various mom and pop suppliers who have no knowledge of NAFTA and do not have the resources to obtain that knowledge. Our company will often ship that tooling across borders and as the exporter, would be the party to create a NAFTA Certificate of Origin. I have informed our people that […]