Question: We frequently import returned computer laptops and other computer measuring equipment after being used temporarily abroad as instruments/tools of a trade. We have proof of export properly documented.  The computer equipment is shipped with other items making the value of the import over $2,500 for formal entry. Upon importation of these returned computers/ equipment […]


    Question: I just found out I am doing a presenation to senior management aboutISPM-15 packaging and details. On Monday.  I am expecting to do 5 minutes ofpresentaiton and 15 min of Q & A.  For a number of reason, they aresuddenly very focused on this. Does anybody have a power point they can share?I am […]


    Question:Our QC inspectors discovered that several POs received today from China were crawling with a tiny flea like insect. Since we have never encountered this before, and the items are not something that one might normally see insects on,  this was escalated to our Import team.   They notified CBP, who put us thru to Agriculture. […]

  • ICE

    Question: I’ll apologize up front for sending in a question that is not really traderelated; however, I thought perhaps the trade attorneys may have experiencewith this and may offer an opinion. Here’s the story: Out of the blue, a 23 year old girl tells her family that she just gotmarried.  She married someone they never […]


    Looks like my company may be drawn into the fun of exporting controlled goods to China. I understand that for license applications where the total value exceeds $50K BIS requires the applicant to obtain PRC End-User Statement officially signed by the MOFCOM Department of Mechanic, Electronic, and High Technology Industries, export control division 1. What […]

  • CPSC

    Question: We would like to ask the membership what procedures they are using toinsure compliance of the new requirements for CPSC? What division in your company reviews the regulations? How many employees are in this division and what are their jobdescriptions?


    Question: A foreign supplier is sending drop shipment to US location (company A) that has a DLA govt contract on file, can  another company (company B) act as IOR and file DLA cert letter with Company A’s contract number?   Or is company A required to act as IOR since the contract is under their name?  


    Question:Our company is planning to negotiate trade-partnership compliance programs with several Federal regulatory agencies which are most active in our particular segment of the industry. We are looking for possible existing benchmark programs or regulatory provisions which include realistic compliance performance measurements.  That is, programs that acknowledge that while a compliance goal is always 100%, […]


    Question: We have been asked to authorize a purchase of Iraqi origin goods (non- controlled goods) that would then ship from a port in Syria to the U.S. They are utilizing a forwarder in Syria to assist with the transshipment as Iraq is land locked with no ports of call. I am unable to find […]


    Question: Our company is a self filer. We import furniture, so we will not be required to provide Lacey declarations until Phase-In period IV which begins on April 1, 2010. Our import department associates have proposed to have our foreign suppliers include Lacey Act information on the commercial invoice under each item, rather than provide […]


    Question: When a 3461/7501 is submitting to US Customs, what is the process after that? I know it goes into CBP’s system. Does it also flow through EPA, DOT, FCC, FDA’s systems? Is there any other systems (other government agencies) the information is flowing through? I am putting together a customs process flow for my […]

  • Other Government Agencies Q&A 1

    By CBP’s own definition, the ultimate consignee is the party in the U.S. to whom the overseas shipper sold the imported merchandise, or if the merchandise has not been sold the ultimate consignee is the party whom the overseas shipper consigned the imported merchandise to, or if the merchandise has not been sold or consigned […]