• DBA on a Power of Attorney

    Question: When granting a power of attorney to a customs broker, where do you insert your company’s dba, or fictitious name?   In the same blank as the grantor’s name?  Or in the “Doing business as” field?  As most POA forms read, which is correct: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, ABC Company, dba XYZ […]

  • Power of Attorney

    Question: Questions for brokers, have you ever has CBP request an original power of attorney with a wet signature?  Answer 1: Yes.  The requirement is that the broker produce an ‘original POA’ upon request of CBP.  This is best practice. Answer 2: A broker may satisfy the requirements of 19 CFR 141.46 by retaining “faxed” […]

  • Absence of a POA

    Are there are any issues regarding the exchange of Customs Business advice in the absence of a POA? ============================================================= Answers: Read this federal register notice: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2003/08/11/03-20327/performance-of-customs-business-by-parent-and-subsidiary-corporations ============================================================== This is a great question!  I noticed that you used the words “Customs Business advice.”  So, I assume that you are or will be advising a client (or […]

  • POA time limit

    QUESTION: Despite having a valid POA from my company (a corporation) with the usual “valid until revoked” language, a customs broker has just told me that Customs POAs go inactive if there aren’t 2 transactions in 12 months.  They said it was a “Customs rule” but it feels more like an internal rule at the […]

  • Classification POA

    QUESTION: We have a consultant classifying our parts and some machines / equipment as well.  Until recently, we have never signed a POA for it to do the classifications. In the last month or so, the consultant has asked if we would sign one.  Well, it looks like a regular customs broker POA (with language […]

  • POA for Mexican Broker

    QUESTION: We are establishing two  Maquiladora in Mexico now we need a Mexican customs broker and we are planning to issue a POA or POA’s. We will have two Mexican different  entities producing different materials  we also have a shelter company assisting the implementation of the two maquilador. The question here is who suppose to […]


    QUESTION: We ship many transactions to Mexico that are “Routed Transactions”.  Our products do not require a license for export. Most products are EAR99 or 2B999. We have much trouble trying to obtain a copy of the power of attorney between our client and their freight forwarder, as delineated in the Export Regulations for “Routed […]


    QUESTION: Taking into account 19 CFR §141.34 Duration of Power of Attorney Powers of attorney issued by a partnership shall be limited to a period not to exceed 2 years from the date of execution. All other powers of attorney may be granted for an unlimited period. This discussion pertains to “non-expiring” POAs that are […]


    QUESTION: Prior to my employment, the company I work for provided a power of attorney to a Customshouse broker for entry writing/submission purposes.  They then switched to another broker which we use exclusively.  Now that I’m with the organization, I want to revoke the original broker’s power of attorney, but no one has a copy […]


    QUESTION: Is submitting an electronic I.T., T&E, or I.E. considered Customs business.  If it is, then is a Power of Attorney required from the importer of record for the Customs broker to the file the electronic I.T., T&E, or I.E.? ========== Answers: The only POA required to be on file in this instance is for […]


    QUESTION: For Routed Transactions, can the USPPI request to see a copy of the POA issued to the Freight Forwarder of the FPPI? Is there a regulation supporting a USPPI request to see a copy of the POA issued to the Freight Forwarder of the FPPI? ************* Answers: See 15 CFR 30.3(e)2  “ (2) Authorized […]

  • POA

    QUESTION: Looking for guidance as we currently have an expired POA with our Broker and working to update the POA. However, we need to clear imported goods and the Broker currently has active POAs for several other entities. Wanting to ask what issues/risk we face by clearing under a different importer ID. %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: I […]