Post Entry Amendments

Post Entry Amendments

  • Post Entry Amendments Q&A 12

    I have an Overage / Shortage question: Situation: over the past 6 months, our supplier has put 21,000 kgs on the invoices and packing lists for every ISO Tank (liquid) Imported to the US. It was brought to my attention a few weeks ago, that we received + / – 21,000 kgs, therefore having an […]

  • Post Entry Amendments Q&A 13

    This question is in regards to import overage/shortage reporting. BOL, commercial invoice and packing list show a qty of 100 boxes. All 100 boxes contain the same sku number. Total value $10,000.00. Packing list shows each box with sku qty of 10 @ $10.00 each…total units 1000. Our DC currently receives in our system at […]

  • Post Entry Amendments Q&A 15

    Customs recently announced via the Federal Register that the SIL process would be discontinued effective Sept. 20. The FR outlines the scenarios in which a PEA is required to be filed as below. Does anyone have any resources that define #3 – what is required by U.S. Census? Under the PEA test, a single PEA […]

  • Post Entry Amendments Q&A 16

    We recently started flagging our entries for value reconciliation. What is the process for filing PEA’s on entries that are flagged for reconciliation? We recently filedd a PEA for an HTS change and it was rejected stating that a claim cannot be field against an import entry flagged for reconciliation until such time as the […]

  • Post Entry Amendments Q&A 18

    I have an entry from August 2006 wherein the broker entered the wrong HTS. The entry was submitted with a 4.5% duty. Our original Customs duty/tax came to a total of $3881.96. As soon as we were able (within a month) we requested our broker to make a correction to the entry with the correct […]

  • Post Entry Amendments Q&A 19

    Are there any companies submitting Quarterly Reporting to CBP? Quarterly Reporting is defined as a PEA with a bill or refund resulting in under 20$ and a value below 10,000$. We found this requirement when reviewing the CBP “Post Entry Amendment Test Modification” on their website. It looks as if it has been around for […]

  • Post Entry Amendments Q&A 20

    During our internal post entry review we determined the part was mis-classified. This was an informal entry therefor it liquidated when the duty was paid. What is the proper mechanism to make post-entry corrections to an informal entry? The error resulted in an overpayment of $2.10. I realize this is minimal but I want to […]

  • Post Entry Amendments Q&A 21

    During our internal post entry review we determined the part was mis-classified. This was an informal entry therefor it liquidated when the duty was paid. What is the proper mechanism to make post-entry corrections to an informal entry? The error resulted in an overpayment of $2.10. I realize this is minimal but I want to […]

  • Post Entry Amendments Q&A 22

    During recent post entry audit we discovered several types of bearings itemized which were missed on Commercial Invoice at time of entry. The product, an “Air Compressor Overhaul Kit” was classified and entered as 8414.90.4175. We think the class is correct as “Repair Kit” however concerned that bearings were not reported correctly. Have received two […]