• Service fees included on commercial invoice

    Question: We are a door lock manufacturer.  We have service fees for a variable of items.  Examples would be, for our keys there may be a stamping fee (stamp logo on key). The fee is on the customer invoice, but not on the commercial invoice (which ships with the product).  Should we be adding these […]

  • Mexico Value Reconciliation

    Question: Does Mexico have a program similar to the US, that allows value reconciliation? Answer 1: No, Mexico does not have a reconciliation program like the U.S. If adjustments are necessary, i.e. transfer price adjustments, then a new declaration mist be submitted. Your Customs Broker can prepare and submit. Be aware MX Customs does have […]

  • Reconciliation Non-US countries

    Question: Does Netherlands, China, Australia, Argentina, Mexico, and Canada have the same type of reconciliation process as the US?   Do entries need to be flagged for RECON?   Do they allow reconciliation by aggregation?   Where can I find a good resource? Answer 1: We do an assist declaration to EU Customs for our legal entity in […]

  • Late reconciliaiton mitigation

    Question: We received a Notice of Liquidated Damages for full value of entries for not filing Reconciliation on a few entries.  Reconciliation WAS filed, only a day or two after the Notice was issued. We are going to petition for mitigation. As I read the Mitigation Guidelines for failure to file, “Subsequent filing of Reconciliations […]

  • US Recon Due Date Reporting

    Question: Can someone in the membership share which ACE report/reports they are using to ascertain the precise due dates for entries flagged for reconciliation? Answer 1: Under the Entry Summary Reports tab, select Reconciliation, then ES-501 Recon No Files. Look under column titled Reconciliation (other) Due Date. You can put the Recon Due Start Date […]

  • Entries Flagged for Reconciliation

    Question: Dear All, We have a Reconciliation process established to account for our related transfer pricing adjustments.  I have posed the following question to CBP and others on webinars and seem to get different answers.   Our broker says we can NOT file any PSC for value correction, if the entry is flagged for Recon.  IS […]

  • Incorrect reconciliation flag on the entry

    Question: Hi, One of our entries was flagged reconciliation type in error. It should be value instead of classification. Ultimately, there will no change on the entry. Is it ok to report on recon entry even it was error on reconciliation type? Thank you Answer 1: Your recon entry will get rejected if you add […]

  • Reconciliation Triggering an Audit

    Question: Has anyone ever filed their first Reconciliation entry and shortly thereafter been audited within the CBP statute of limitations period for the same issue as the initial Recon entry?  In other words, historically does/could Recon trigger a customs audit because CBP may believe the issue that triggered the need for Recon began further back […]

  • PSCs and Reconciliation

    QUESTION: We have entries flagged for value recon. If we have a shortage or overage that affects the reportable quantity and value, should a PSC be filed for the reportable quantity and the value updated at recon, or should all items be updated through a PSC (since the value is affected due to the change […]


    QUESTION: I have a question whether the value of imported merchandise, if not sold at the time of importation, and it changes after importation, does the entry need to be flagged for value reconciliation?  Here’s the scenario: Goods are sold by Company A to Company B in Mexico where the goods are kitted for the […]


    QUESTION: We’re taking over reconciliation from another team. Recon has always been filed as aggregate which waives our ability to claim drawback whenever we export any of the imported finished goods.  We’d like to change and file entry by entry reconciliation to enable us to claim drawback where we can.  Is there a way to […]


    We are filing Reconciliation on a US import from Canada, and discovered too late that the PSC we filed was not accepted. Data in ACE shows the wrong HTS and quantity and value are both lower than they should be. The Broker has advised that we cannot file Recon until the HTS is corrected in […]