Remote Location Filing

Remote Location Filing

  • Routed shipments allowed from UK to US?

    Question: We want to send an item to the UK for some minor servicing, however the specialty service provider is small and advises they cannot handle the return export requirements under UK Customs.   Are routed shipments allowed in the UK – so that our forwarder could collect the item at the service provider dock and […]


    QUESTION: If a shipment from Korea enters the United States where the port of discharge is Los Angeles, CA and the final destination is Detroit, MI would a Los Angeles, CA local permit licensed customs broker handle the processing for the entire shipment or would he/she need a national permit to handle this shipment? ====================== […]


    QUESTION: If a shipment from Korea enters the United States and the port of discharge is Los Angeles, CA and the final destination is Los Angeles, CA would a local permit licensed customs broker in Los Angeles, CA handle the processing for the entire shipment or would he/she need a national permit to handle this […]


    Question: I am a new broker and saw posting in the database that AD and CVD entries cannot be filed remotely; it was dated several years ago. I wonder if things have changed. It would be great if the Membership could advise CBP’s directive/notice. ************ ANSWERS: As a broker you can file AD CVD entries remotely […]

  • RLF

    Question: Can a customs broker use RLF to file entries in a port where the broker already has a district permit?  I put this out to the RLFdesk at Customs and they have advised no. Can someone confirm or explain. Not sure what is meant by “still file electronically at the local ports where I […]