Sec 301


    QUESTION: We are looking to import an item on list 2 exclusions, and the exclusion has already been extended once and is due to expire on 12/27/20.  What makes the determination whether or not an extension will be granted yet again? =========== Answer: USTR has been announcing consideration of exclusion extensions, usually within 1 – […]


    QUESTION: I would like to clarify one of the exclusion that issued on May 04, 2020 – ·       What is the “Case” referring here? A carrying case or a sleeve case? ·       What is the measuring referring here? 40 cm = Height, 27 cm = Length, and 9 cm = Depth? Any professional advise/clarification to […]

  • 301 list 3 China tariff Exclusion Filing on PSC submission and Drawback

    QUESTION ON PSC: We are planning to file a lot of PSC with customs on one of the Exclusion issued on Mar 26, 2020. I have the following questions and would like to get some professional advise. We file our own entries, and this is the 1st time we file PSC ourselves. Do we have […]

  • Submitting formal comments for possible extension of a 301 tariff exclusion

    QUESTION: Can the membership please guide me regarding a submission to the USTR requesting an extension of an exclusion that was granted in 2019: How to do this Best practices for what to focus on Supporting documentation for the submission Any and all other best practices ========== Answer: Go to the USTR website – all […]

  • Section 301 Exclusion List- Excel Format

    QUESTION: Looking for a current list of all Section 301 Duty Exclusions for all four lists, in excel format if possible. Any colleague able to provide sourcing/ link to available site is much appreciated! %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: %%%%%%%%%% I have found this list very helpful: %%%%%%%%%% Attached is a sheet I have been keeping.  […]


    QUESTION: CSMS #42566154 says “Section 301 product exclusions may be retroactive for entries that are liquidated but where the liquidation is not final and the protest period has not expired”. My question is: is there a way to request for refund for those entries where the protest period has expired (i.e. More than 180 days […]

  • 301 list 3 China tariff refunds after PSC submission – liquidation extended

    QUESTION: My entries have an extended liquidation per my request to CBP. My broker submitted the PSC to request a refund for the China tariff on a few entries from March of last year (2019).  The PSCs were submitted 3/27/20 and they are still showing as “extended” even though I thought they liquidate after a […]


    QUESTION: Has anyone seen any USTR publications/information on the exclusions set to expire May 14th? ========== Answer: Exclusions granted in May 2019, and set to expire of May 14, 2020.  Requests for extensions must be received by April 12, 2020.  See 85 FR 12373 of March 2, 2020 for further information. For exclusions granted in […]


    QUESTION: We need to submit some PSCs on the exclusion for Backpacks.  This is the 1st time we learn how to file a PSC under the exclusion.We would like to know if any members is willing to share the explanation example/template on how to express to customs that our Backpack is qualified for the claim. […]


    QUESTION: There is an exclusion issued on Mar 26, 20 with the indication that it will expired on Aug 07, 2020. Does this mean the products that file and clear customs after Aug 07 will have to pay the additional 25% duty again? Do we have to manually change the HTS # back to previous […]

  • Extended Protest Period for 301 Exclusions

    QUESTION: Are members aware of any provisions that allow an importer to file a protest after the 180-day post-liquidation period?  We would like to look into refunds for products under newly issued Section 301 tariff exclusions.  Requesting extension for the liquidation date is no longer an option for many of the entries. ========== Answers: There […]


    QUESTION: Are 301 tariff exclusion refunds, whether by protest or PSC, considered the same as a refund for excessive duties under 19 CFR § 24.36, and therefore entitled to interest accrued from the date the excessive or 301 duties, were deposited with Customs? ========== Answers: 301 refunds will include interest. ========== Yes, you will be […]