Sec 301

  • Expiration dates of 301 exclusions

    QUESTION: I want to make sure I understand the expiration dates of the 301 exclusions correctly.  Exclusions to list one granted on June 4, 2019 will expire on June 4, 2020 but correction to entries can still be made if the entry date falls during the dates the exclusion was valid, correct?  For instance, for […]

  • Will A Warehouse Entry work to Avoid 15% List 4A Tariffs?

    QUESTION: Can a warehouse entry type 21 be issued prior to February 14th, 2020 on a shipment that is subject to List 4A 15% Tariffs?  We are looking to see if this will allow us withdraw the merchandise at the new rate of 7.5% after the effective date. ========== Answers: Yes, a warehouse entry will […]

  • 9903.88.23

    QUESTION: Exclusion 9903.88.18 refers you to 9903.88.23 for HTS 9017.90.0160\9017.80.0000 We’ve entered in our brokers system in the following sequence: 9903.88.23                 9017.90.0160                 9017.80.0000 Our broker is telling us that section 301 applies to 9903.88.23@25% and 9017.80.0000 @ 5.3%. Is this not an exclusion? ========== Answers: It depends on what the article is. (bb)For […]


    QUESTION: This is going to be a bit long. So, I will start by thanking you for your time in reading this and any help you can provide. To begin, our end customer wanted a specific part used in production in our US factory, So we ordered that part from their Vendor who produces it […]

  • Section 301 Duties on Sets

    QUESTION: We have the following two scenarios and are wondering how to properly report to CBP. Scenario #1: Qualifying Set consisting of the following: Item 1 – Origin: Germany Item 2 – Origin: Spain Item 3 – Origin: China Item 4 – Origin: Switzerland Item 5– Origin: Poland Qualifying Set consisting of the following: Scenario […]

  • Section 301 tariffs on Section 321 De Minimis Value Entries

    QUESTION: Can anyone advise if Section 321 De Minimis Value Entries will still be duty free for any goods from China that are subject to the Section 301 tariff increases? ========== Answers: Based on conversations I have had with CBP the section 301 tariffs will not be applied on the Section 321 entries at this […]

  • Section 301 Sept.24, 2018

    QUESTION: Does anyone have conversion to the tariffs that have been effected as of 9/24/2018?  Example:  4202.92.3131 + 9903.10.2092 =============== ANSWER: There is a note next to the tariff number that will reference the Chapter 99 corresponding classification.


    QUESTION: Have any Section 301 exclusions been granted? If so, can someone please provide the link or the tracking number? I would like to see what a successful exclusion request looks like. ************ Answers: I would not expect to see anything until earliest end of October : petitioners have until Oct. 9 to file, the. […]