QUESTION: I need assistance regarding the closure of TIB(s).  I have looked on the internet and find it a bit confusing.  Also some of our TIB(s) are exported Canada. ************** Answers: Assuming that your import shipment was designated as “Export Exam Not Required”, then you would just need to provide the export paperwork including the […]


    QUESTION: I am looking for feedback regarding a TIB Liquidated Damages Penalty. We are US manufacturer, and imported 6 items which were intended to be manufactured and subsequently re-exported.   Five of the items were exported properly. Unfortunately, the remaining item had to be manufactured into a domestic project and was not exported. We have received […]


    QUESTION: I looked through the, “Ask the Member” library and could not find one that would help in my question.  So here is the operation. We are a packaging company and we do not cause the import nor own the imported goods.  The goods in question are clinical goods that are imported by a Non-Resident […]


    QUESTION: We had an import under TIB 9813.00.0540 which was exported greater than one year past the import date (imported 4/2014).  Under 19CFR10.39 I read the following: If any article entered under Chapter 98, subchapter XIII, HTSUS, except those entered under a carnet, has not been exported or destroyed in accordance with the regulations in […]


    Question: Is it possible or does it state in the Regulations, that the importer has to be the exporter on a TIB? ************ ANSWER: No it does not. However, one must be careful to clearly spell out on the export documents that the article is being exported to cancel a TIB, state the TIB number, […]

  • TIB

    Question: Can anyone please advise if there is a TIB tariff that can be utilized for show or exhibition products and corresponding materials used in display booths? =========== Answers: Carnet is better suited for such activities. =========== Has the member looked at ATA Carnet options? It would depend on whether this is importing into the […]

  • TIB

    Question:   Does anyone know if  you can add domestic product to a TIB?   We are looking to temporarily import equipment, add US based, foreign origin   equipment, then  export  the consolidated equipment.   I think the imported equipment needs to be entered on a 7501, then combined,   and apply for drawback on […]

  • TIB entry

      Question: It turns out that our import operations team incorrectly entered goods under TIB. The goods were cleared. We found out later that the goods are to remain in the US. Is there a way to cancel the TIB and re-enter the goods? Any suggestions on how to handle this?    

  • Anticipatory breach under TIB

    Question: We are preparing to notify CBP of Anticipatory Breach for product imported under a TIB. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the product will not be re- exported nor destroyed. Can anyone for the membership provide any suggested format/criteria for submitting notification of anticipatory breach under TIBs? Anything else to consider when notifying CBP? Thanks! ============

  • TIB

    Question: Here is my Question.  My Company brought in a shipment of returnedparts, Under TIB bond.  The year is coming to a close for the bond andcome to find out the plant exported most of the parts but the otherparts were sold to another vendor domestically  and some were destroyed(not under customs supervision).  My boss […]


    Question: Our engineers want to take test equipment (TE) to France and thenGermany.  The final list of TE items is often not available until a day or twobeforeshipment, so there is not enough time to obtain a Carnet.  We areplanningto temporarily import the items into France using our affiliate’s VATnumber.  After use in France, the […]


    Question:   Was hoping the membership could provide some guidance….  Our company does a tremendous amount of injection molding in MX.  We’ve got tons of molds and tools (some are older than dirt) of varying countries of origin.  The tools regularly cross between the US and MX for various reasons e.g. cavity repairs, refurbishment, alteration […]