Question: We sell propriety software, which in some cases has already been reviewed,and is eligible for export under license exception ENC.  Occasionally, ourpersonnel in the U.S. provide remote services to our customers in foreigncountries to set up interfaces between software programs.  Often, theinterface is between our software and a 3rd party software.  I’m told aninterface […]


    Question:   My team is in the process of reviewing international trade software solutions to better manage our company’s worldwide import and export compliance.    In light of costs involved, we’ve been asked to evaluate solutions services providers can bring to the table as an alternative to us making the investment.   Where a forwarder/3PL […]

  • ABI Software Providers

    Question:I have to put a list together of all of the ABI software providers with their contact information.  I looked on Customs website and they have a listing of approved providers, but they do not have the contact information.  Does anyone know where I can find out this information?  

  • Import/Export Process Automation

    Question:There have been a couple of surveys sent out that asked how automated ourimport/export processes are. The question I’d like to ask is: What do you consider automation? Clearly, if you use only an adding machine, pencil and a paper HTSUS, you are NOT automated.  What constitutes “Somewhat automated”?  Is there a common definition ofthis? […]

  • Trade Software Q&A 1

    I’m sure this is an easy one for someone. If you were asked to define the ultimate system to handle all your export/import compliance needs, with no restrictions or limitations, what all would the system do?

  • Trade Software Q&A 2

    Please ask the membership where I might find on the internet or what special software can I get so that I could have all the standard export paperwork on my computer. Forms I’d like to get are as follows: SED; NAFTA and the Canadian Customs Invoice and any other often used custom form requirements.

  • Trade Software Q&A 5

    My organization will soon be upgrading to Oracle 11i, and I was wondering if there any members currently using Oracle 11i as their company’s “enterprise software solution”? If so, can you provide some insight as to how you may be supporting your shipping/logistics and import/export processes with the utilization of the basic Oracle package? I […]

  • Trade Software Q&A 6

    For SAP people: can you help me understand how you prevent price changes that affect Customs entries? Background: each quarterly internal audit for some time now we have sporadic VALUE failures because some prices changed in the system, between when the shipment was prepared (delivery number created) and when the payment was made (from AP […]

  • Trade Software Q&A 7

    Our Customs group is working with various SAP teams to configure and load country-specific HTS codes in SAP. For example, when exporting from the US, we want a US HTS or Schedule B code loaded for AES reporting requirements and then we want the European HTS code to print on the invoice that will accompany […]

  • Trade Software Q&A 8

    I am in a process of streamline our import compliance process. Do any members want to share with me about available documents or materials that you have used to evaluate import compliance software packages and or venders? If you don’t have anything to measure, how do you evaluate software programs in terms of their capabilities.